How To Swap FLOW to FUSD On BloctoSwap

Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2022

BloctoSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on Flow, supporting users to swap FLOW to FUSD and vice versa. FLOW is now listed on Binance, BTCEX, OKX, and CoinTiger so there are diverse places for you to come to buy FLOW.

Currently, FLOW and FUSD are the currencies used to join INOs on ByteNext Launchpad.

Below is the instruction on how to swap FLOW to FUSD.

STEP 1️⃣: Withdraw Flow to your Blocto wallet

Remember to prepare a Blocto wallet for yourself. In case you don’t know how to create a Blocto wallet, read here. Besides, you can come to, log in with your email, then you will get a Blocto wallet address.

STEP 2️⃣: Go to and connect your wallet

STEP 3️⃣: Choose to swap FLOW to FUSD, then import the amount of FLOW

STEP 4️⃣: Click “Enter an amount” to finish swapping to FUSD

With such simple steps above, you can swap FLOW to FUSD successfully.

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