ByteNext Medal: Your Guide To The ByteNext Launchpad

Initial NFTs Offering (INO) Is Designed To Grant BNU Token Holders Access To Exclusive NFT And Project Launches.

3 min readJul 15, 2022


Access to join our INOs depends on the number of BNU tokens staked by users. The users ranked the highest on the BNP Leaderboard will have a chance to collect NFTs from ByteNext Launchpad’s INOs.

To qualify for INOs or even secure a free mint or giveaway slot, use ByteNext Medal to accumulate extra BNP and level up your tier.

ByteNext Medal: The Definition

ByteNext Medal was actually airdropped for loyal members on the BSC blockchain who warmly welcome us since Official AvatarArt Launching. For its launch, we have released 3 tiers of NFT including Diamond — Gold — Silver. Now, it is time for exclusive benefits for ByteNext Medal Holders to ensure privileged perks on upcoming hidden gems.

NOTE: [For those who hold ByteNext Medal on BSC Blockchain] Before diving into our Launchpad, ensure you bridge NFT Medal from BSC to FLOW Blockchain to receive the benefits as much as possible.

ByteNext Medal: The How-to

Owning a ByteNext Medal grants you a slot to participate in INO’s Guaranteed Round.

There are two options for INO Whitelist Hunters:

📍Venue: Guaranteed Sale

Option 1. Convert the ByteNext Medal to get INO slots

ByteNext Medal: Your guide to the ByteNext Launchpad


  1. Visit ByteNext Dapp Website:
  2. Connect your Blocto wallet
  3. Select “Medal” on the menu bar
  4. Choose “Get INO Slot” at your ByteNext Medal tier
  5. Choose your desired INO project to claim your whitelist slot

If the number of enrollment registrations surpasses the distributed slots on Guaranteed Sale, then the First Come First Serve (FCFS) rule would be applied: Only the early birds with the verified ByteNext Medal can be whitelisted for the INO.

⚠️NOTE: Your ByteNext Medal will be burned automatically after it is converted into an INO Whitelist slot.

If you are a ByteNext diamond hand, then check out 2nd option below:

Option 2. Top Ranking on BNP Leaderboard

If your ByteNext Medals are not swapped to INO slots, they can be used to earn extra BNP. Check the extra BNP rate:

We will provide INO Whitelist slots for those on Top users on BNP Leaderboard. After Guaranteed Sale, Top-down mechanism will be applied.

Big things are coming. Stay tuned!




ByteNext is a blockchain incubation hub that aims to make the Metaverse Economy a reality.