RECAP AMA Session: ByteNext & ARPC

Published in
6 min readAug 22, 2022


Mr. Adrian — CEO of ARPC


Ms. Claire — Partnership Director of ByteNext


Ms. Claire: Today, the AMA of ARPC will be hosted by me — Claire. We also feel honored to have you here, giving us a chance to learn more about ARPC! Mr. Adrian, are you ready to discuss the ARPC project with ByteNext Community? 💪

Mr. Adrian: Yes, I am

Ms. Claire: Alright, we have picked some questions collected in advance via Twitter for you. Please make sure that you end your questions with some words or signs like “Done”, so that I won’t interrupt your answers.

Part 1: Introduction

Question 1️⃣ Could you provide a brief self-introduction with a quick description of the ARPC project for the community?

Mr. Adrian: Of course! Hi, everyone 👋 My name is Adrian and I’m the CEO and one of the founders of Animal Reckless Party Club. Glad to be here with you!

ARPC is an NFT collection of 7,777 beautiful 3D turtles. You can see more of our arts at the metaverse gallery on; Our NFTs are a utility and rewards layer for blockchain games and metaverses. You can use your turtle in our partners’ ecosystems to get more out of the games you’re playing.

Question 2️⃣: Could you give us some details on your core team and backers behind this project?

Mr. Adrian: Our team counts 15 people, 10 of which are located here in Warsaw, Poland.

We’ve got three co-founders: Jorge (our CMO), Vladimir (our CTO), and me. We’ve got a perfect fit in our skills and experience imo as we’re handling all of the management processes in-house without hiring an external executive.

We also founded an NFT marketing agency called []( in December 2021. We’ve helped a lot of collections to build the community, get funding and reach the market, and decided that it was time for us to get into the game.

ARPC has closed a private investment round for $250k from Cosima Capital.

Question 3️⃣: What milestones have the ARPC project reached and can you share with us some of your future plans?

Mr. Adrian: Our main focus is on partnerships and connecting as many games and metaverses as we can. And we’ve made good progress in that!

Recently we launched our own space in the Spatial metaverse with our partners U-topia. You can hang out in the virtual room with other community members or host events. Check it out: [](

Plus we’ve got a few games that are integrating our turtles at this moment of time. And all of that before having an INO and actual tokens! Holders will get their utility from day one.

Question 4️⃣: Can you provide some more details on the ARPC INO?

Mr. Adrian: We’re hosting our first INO wave with our launchpad partners on August 22 and the public sale on August 25. The price for an NFT will be $140 and $160 relatively.

Part 2: Dive into ARPC Project

Question 1️⃣ You are saying that you’re aiming to become the “Mickey Mouse” of the Web3. What does that mean and how will you achieve that?

Mr. Adrian: We see the Mickey Mouse as a cultural character that associates with cartoons, Disney land and mouse ears. Our goal is to become the character of the metaverse: known, recognizable and inalienable part of the virtual world.

To get there despite the web3 collaborations we will also do the real world ones. Our core team has friendly relationships with the fashion world so there will be a big brand collaboration with worldwide known clothing brands. These kinds of deals usually take some time for the paperwork and design efforts so most likely we’ll see that in the first half of 2023.

So we will have plenty of time to work on metaverse and games integrations with our NFTs, that includes opening embassies in 1-tier metaverses, hosting gaming tournaments, bringing the turtles to web 2 games and more!

Question 2️⃣ How do you feel about launching in such an unstable market condition?

Mr. Adrian: Obviously, it’s better to launch when everything’s green and the trend is heading to the moon, but bear/flat market has its benefits too.

We spent time building during the worst days of the market and we’re not about to stop. It’s a challenge that shows what the project really is.

We have strong partners, great products and an amazing community on board so we believe that there is no market that can stop us!

Question 3️⃣ How investors are going to make money on ARPC?

Mr. Adrian: It’s the game of supply and demand. We are limited to 7,777 turtles in the collection but the more utility will be provided by the partnerships ARPC is making, the higher the demand will be.

The main rule for maximizing profits on initial sale is to buy early. In our case it’s buying from a launchpad at the lowest price possible. Then you just sit tight and HODL 😉

Part 3: Question from the Community

Question 1: Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

Mr. Adrian: Good question, thank you! Let’s say you’re playing some p2e game you like. You make some money off it.

But when you get yourself an ARPC turtle, you will:

1. Get in-game bonuses (better sneakers, better weapon, etc)

2. Get more rewards. In addition to what the game pays you, ARPC will give you its tokens as well

3. You can rent out your ARPC turtle and make a passive income

4. You own ARPC turtle NFT as an investment

Question 2: Hello @proofofadrian Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue. Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?

Mr. Adrian: Hi! Yes, agree with you, that’s why we were focused on doing integrations before the INO. We do have a lot to show already even though the was not open yet!

Check out our Spatial room:

Question 3: Most of the users are still not aware of Blockchain & its related projects ! So, How does Your Project platform create awareness about their project with NON-CRYPTO users too?

Mr. Adrian: Very good one! We are focusing on non-crypto users, our brand ambassadors Johnathan Moffett and Mathias Noble are helping us with getting them on board. ARPC has also partnered with Crossmint to allow our users mint NFTs with the credit card without having a wallet.

We managed to do a good onboarding process to help people who are unfamiliar with crypto buy their first NFT as easy as possible

Question 4: According to the roadmap, what are your most important next priorities? Does your team have enough funds and a strong community to achieve those milestones?

Mr. Adrian: The biggest milestones are:

  • Integrate at least 10 games before the end of 2022. Fully playable
  • Launch ARPC token in Q4
  • Start working with web2 brands and integrate ARPC turtle with them (especially with clothing companies)

Question 5: Most investors focus only on the short-term price of the token instead of the actual value of the project. So what are the benefits for long-term investors in a project?

Mr. Adrian: Thank you for the question!

We’ve got a very simple growth model: the more games we integrate → the more new demand for NFTs we create → the higher the price goes

This process is infinite and as long as people will be playing games, as long ARPC will be interesting for the market.

We also created some financial activities like NFT renting so that you can make passive income while not using your NFT turtle directly.

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ByteNext is a blockchain incubation hub that aims to make the Metaverse Economy a reality.