Recap AMA Sessions: ByteNext And Piggos

Published in
7 min readSep 26, 2022


Ms. Natalie Ager — Piggos CEO and Co-Founder


Ms. Claire — ByteNext Partnership Director

Part 1: About Piggos

Question 1️⃣ Could you provide a brief self-introduction with a quick description of Piggos Collection for the community?

Ms. Natalie: Of course! Hi, everyone 👋 My name is Natalie and I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of Piggos. Glad to be here with you!

CryptoPiggos are adorable crypto creatures that live on the Flow blockchain. Each one is unique with a focus on giving back to the community and charitable causes. There are two CryptoPiggo collections: Piggos Origin, our genesis collection of 5,199 pixelated Piggos roaming around the Piggoverse! This collection was minted on December 19th, 2021, and is now only available to purchase from our marketplaces.

Piggos Evolution is the second generation of CryptoPiggos. Descendants of the genesis collection, Piggos Origin. Hidden within the collection are seventeen 1 of 1 NFTs, only available to unlock by minting in our pre-sale or public sale. The 17 are based on characters from the novel ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell.

Question 2️⃣ Why did you guys choose pigs as your NFT collection character?

Ms. Natalie: OK yeah, it’s an interesting question, so we originally chose to do animals because I am a vegan and I have a real affinity with caring for animals. Indeed, I have done fundraising for animal welfare in the past and so, when you become a member of our community, you stand against animal cruelty as well.

We choose Pigs because they are very loving and intelligent. We could imagine them having dreams about freedom, fun, and hobbies! All Piggos have special talents, hobbies, and dreams. There are chefs, writers, sports fans (soccer, basketball, and American football), social media fans, shopaholics, rappers, Piggos who love to travel, some who love to dress up in Halloween costumes, and many, many more.

Question 3️⃣ The 1st collection is pixelated NFTs, the 2nd collection is doodled NFTs. Does this difference mean anything?

Ms. Natalie: Piggos Origin is our Genesis collection. Piggos Origin is the beginning of the story:

The Piggos were trapped on a farm by the gluttonous farmer Mr. Jones. One of the female pigs, called Truffles, escaped but lost contact with the others. Natz decided it was time to help her overcome the obsession of the burn day, where some of her Piggo friends were BBQ’d and found a gypsy fortune teller. “Maybe there is a way to repopulate the Piggo population with the next generation? It involves drinking magic potions” in the next stage of the story we see Truffles and all the other Piggos drink the magic potion. They evolve into a doodle-style Piggo — an Evolution Piggo.

Question 4️⃣ I saw that there is an update from the projects that the presale date and the public minting date will be will take place on the same date September 29th, right?

Ms. Natalie: Yes, so we actually decided this week that we’re going to have both the presale and the public sale on September 29th. So obviously, we’re encouraging people to join the presale because you know we don’t know how many will be left for the public sale, and then that will just run until it’s all sold out. That is better for people to not have to remember two different dates.

Question 5️⃣ In the previous AMA, you mentioned the upcoming minigame series. Could you please give more details about that series of games?

Ms. Natalie: Yes, absolutely. Based on the story by George Orwell called Animal Farm and they all play very specific roles in the games that are gonna be coming up after Evolution has launched. And what we will be doing is we will be having contests within Discord so people who hold an Evolution or an Origins or both can come into Discord and they can verify their holding.

Moreover, we will be doing a special raffle for people who mint (only for people who actually buy Piggos Evolution) will be put into a special raffle, and will be gifted certain special NFTs from other projects randomly.

Part 2: Piggos Evolution on ByteNext launchpad

Question 1️⃣ Could you provide a brief self-introduction with a quick description of ByteNext and ByteNext launchpad for the community?

Ms. Claire: Sure! ByteNext is a blockchain incubation hub that fosters a network of NFT DAOs, connected through an ecosystem that provides Openness, Sustainability, and Immersion.

ByteNext officially Unveils Its Ecosystem Expansion on Flow with the full suite of ByteNext Dapp: ByteNext DEX, ByteNext Launchpad, ByteNext Bridge & AvatarArt NFT Metaverse Marketplace. Now trend leading INOs & alpha-lead projects on FLOW will soon be curated for BNU holders.

Question 2️⃣ May we know the reason why did CryptoPiggos choose to partner with ByteNext to launch Piggos Evolution?

Ms. Natalie: It was important for us to reach the communities based in Asia. ByteNext is a Singapore-based NFT Marketplace and one of the Piggos Founders lives in Singapore. We chose ByteNext because of its presence in this region and believe it will expand its influence in Asia NFT Market.

Question 3️⃣ The Big Sale Day in addition to this Reservation Opening has already opened. Could you clarify the Big Sale Day promotion and the upcoming events of ByteNext?

Ms. Claire: Yeah sure, so for the launch of the Piggos Evolution on ByteNext launchpad, we are running an exclusive event which is called the reservation, so reservation is for those who want to own Piggos earlier. Currently, we are opening the reservation round, which means that you will deposit 100% of the value of the NFT, and then you will be on the reserve list of on by the strange part. And on the minting date on September 29, you will come to ByteNext Launchpad to claim your NFT.

Besides, we also run the Big Sale which offers a combo of 2 NFTs at a 15% discounted price (reduce from 80 FLOW to 68 FLOW). There would be 100 combos available for those who join the ByteNext reservation round and deposit money.

Part 3: Questions from the Community

Question 1️⃣ You know, these days surviving through the crypto market conditions is difficult and we see a lot of many projects are far from the target. So what is the project strategy to survive in this long blockchain marathon concerning the Piggos Evolution?

Ms. Natalie: So we have been around for a while already, we are not a new project. One of the ways that we decided would be a good way to survive and ensure that we have more longevity in space is by being more realistic on the price point and building a huge community, and potential breeding. Besides, we have worked for more than 20 years in traditional Web2, so we established people in that field with great backing. We do not sort of a new project that can potentially go wrong and disappear. We’re here for the long term.

Question 2️⃣ I have read about your charity program on your website. Will you provide transparency about it?

Ms. Natalie: Yes, we will be transparent about how we do this, but there are some complications. When you donate to charity, some charities accept cryptocurrency and some charities do not. So if they do accept crypto, you can then obviously put it in a smart contract. But if the partner charity does not accept it, we will be transferring the funds from our bank account to their bank account directly and we will publish that information.

Question 3️⃣ As far as I know, with each transaction NFT will help protect the rights of women and children. So how do you guys make that happen?

Ms. Natalie: Becoming a Piggo’s owner doesn’t just mean you own a PFP NFT — it also means you have helped to make a difference to those less fortunate. Our goal is to use our Piggos NFT project to give back to those in need, and increase awareness of issues people face in society. We are proud to announce that we are donating a portion of the proceeds from our latest collection to our partnered charity, Equality Now. In addition, our Piggo Bank utility allows us to not only generate prizes for valued community members, but it also enables us to run charity-focused Piggo Bank campaigns, where 100% of the proceeds go to charity.

Question 4️⃣ Is there a plan for burning and buyback of NFTs in your project to avoid inflation?

Ms. Natalie: We actually have a burn strategy for our Origin collection, not for Piggos Evolution. We made this second collection much smaller in order not to get the marketplace flooded with NFTs. So we provide enough Piggos Evolution for the current market condition.

Question 5️⃣ What are the benefits for early bird users on ByteNext Launchpad?

Ms. Claire: For the early bird users on ByteNext launchpad, specifically for the CryptoPiggos project, they can enjoy some of the incentives, like the discovery program which we are running for Piggos Evolution — There is a discount of 15% compared to the original price for the actual price. Instead of spending 80 FLOW for two on 2 NFTs, you are now spending 68 FLOW only. It is available on September 29. However, you will have a chance to own the NFT from now on ByteNext Launchpad. And the benefits will be not only organized by the ByteNext team but also by our partners as well.

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ByteNext is a blockchain incubation hub that aims to make the Metaverse Economy a reality.