The strong password recipe: How to make passwords that are tough to hack

Nikhilesh Wani
Published in
4 min readApr 1, 2021

Can you relate to this scenario, you are sitting in front of your computer and all of a sudden, your online account’s wallet is missing all the money and the online password with which you are trying to login is being shown wrong.

Yes, you heard it right! your personal or business account has been HACKED. As you sit there scuffing to get started, an uncanny feeling of subservient slowly creeps in you. You start questioning yourself about all the activities and scenes you have gone through which have intermediated you to fall in this peculiar situation. Most of the times, the reason behind you getting hacked is that your password is way too weak that it is a piece of cake for the hacker to hack the account and get access to all your details.

Now to stop this, what really matters is to set up tough passwords. We will be providing you all the details on how setting strong passwords really improves the security of your online accounts.

what password should I set for my account?

password strength is a numerically expressed measure of how unshakable a password is considering its length and complexity. You will be shocked to hear that many password measurements on comparison show that a password rated ‘strong’ by one meter can be easily rated weak by another one. This keeps all the users in a dilemma. Thereby, the real password strength algorithms provide measures to verify the strength of your password from various angles. For example; commonly used English words such as ‘together’, ‘friendship’, ‘story’s etc. can be checked for the password measurement matches. Similarly, using inverted words like ‘drowssap’ can also be checked via the measurement aspects.

Another method is Spatial which is so called as a close-key matching that are close to each other on the keyboard such as ‘quertyuiop’. Hence, it’s a close-key matching and shall be checked within the measurement aspects. Next comes Repeat or Repeat matching. Here one must check the repetition of the same characters such as ‘sssssss’, ‘555555’ including ‘abcabcabc’. Sequence matching is all about the strings that are in the alphabetical or numerical order such as ‘0123456789’. Lastly comes the Date system where the character strings are recognized as dates such as ‘19990811’. Recently these all methods have been considered outdated and people are more satisfied using the 2-step authentication system. With the development of Technology, passwords are less frequently used but still considered the core of security.

Gone are the days where 8-character password were considered a safest option. The combination of upper- and lower-case characters, numbers and special characters to give an 8-character password proves an unprotected option and hence the size matters a lot. A password should have minimum of 12 characters and ideally 16 or more. Popular data theft attacks like Dictionary attack and Brute force attack are commonly used by the hackers. These attacks involve starting with an exhaustive list of common and possible passwords.

A secure password should be long

This enables hackers to get ample number of guesses. As we have seen, 8-character password gives you 221 trillion combinations, which can be reasonably brute-force guessed offline in hours. But 12-character password will give 3 sextillions thereby taking the offline brute-force guessing time in centuries and 16 character takes the calculation off chart. That’s why in this perspective 16 characters is better than 12 or we can say that both 16 and 12 are better than 8.

You have to keep in mind the necessity of setting a strong password which might safeguard you from the shortcomings. An effective password is the one which shall contain more than 12 characters, including a mixture of both upper-lower case characters, special characters, a mixture of letters and numbers. A strong password is hard to guess but it should be easy for you to remember.

One of the easiest ways for a fraudster to get your private information is by stealing your credential stuffing through a cyber attack. To fight with it (BBB) Better Business Bureau has recommended to frequently update your password within a range of 30, 60 to 90 days.

The number of cyber crimes is rising at an alarming rate and the ways by which we can save our family and loved ones is falling short day by day. The only way we can save them is by bringing a revolutionary change in the way how we authenticate ourselves.

Byteseal has launched its secure credential manager which allows you to securely store your passwords in your own personal vault and access them whenever required. You can download the android app at below link

to download the web app, please visit

