Architecting a New Look for Mobile Advertising

Connor Doherty
Bytesized Treats
3 min readApr 25, 2016


In the last few years, publishers have seen a majority of their readers reaching their sites from mobile devices. The smartphones that everyone thought would be our “second screen” have become the first screen for accessing media. Advertising has proven to be the most effective means for generating revenue for publishers in digital media, yet the ad experience for readers leaves a lot to be desired. At this point, we’ve all been exposed to unattractive or downright interruptive digital advertising and that doesn’t help readers, publisher, or even the marketers paying for these ads. Yieldmo builds products specifically designed to improve mobile advertising. One of these products is the Yieldmo Customization Tool.

Too often, mobile advertising is delivered in standard 300 x 250 pixel rectangles or frustrating pop-up windows and “sticky footers.” Yieldmo formats are novel, leverage mobile-specific interactions, and are non-interruptive by design. The way we’ve architected our format designs has allowed for a few massive functional benefits such as custom styling. For mobile publishing, custom-styled ad placements can deliver a better experience for readers, better performance for marketers, and improve revenue for publishers.

Customizing the look and feel of ad content provides publishers with a lever for optimizing their reader experience and advertising content. The style customizations that Yieldmo can deliver include colors, fonts, alignment, shadows, rounded corners, and other configurable elements. Publishers can iterate on their style customizations and learn from the experience we’ve gained from other publishers.

So far Yieldmo has done hundreds of publisher customizations. These customizations have shown a significant improvement not only in click through rate, but also conversion rate. Whenever Yieldmo helps improve performance for marketers, our publisher placements become more valuable. Publishers are able to yield more revenue while actually improving their better reader experience. In a particular case study for a sports publisher we have seen a 54% uplift in CTR along with a 57% increase in conversion!

Most ad platforms can’t do style customization because they don’t have the infrastructure. Each publisher crafts a unique layout and design for their site. Thus the style customization infrastructure needs to be able to create thousands of style variations.

Not having style customization creates ad sections on the page that look out of place, and that’s a problem for a site that cares about design. Publishers should not lose their premium user experience as the internet evolves.

Publishers should not lose their premium user experience as the internet evolves.

The Yieldmo Customization Tool is able to achieve a new level of web cohesion through several methods. The structure of our responsive HTML5 advertising formats lends itself to customization. Our ad serving architecture enables granular customization. The mobile web is styled using a language called CSS. We created a system to abstract style information allowing us to generate customized styles in a scalable way across publisher sites on mobile web and apps. This results in publishers being able to completely customize the look and feel of the ad units on their pages.

Yieldmo balances great design with impactful data to do the right thing in mobile advertising. All our efforts are aimed at improving reader experience, helping marketers effectively reach their audiences on mobile, and supporting publishers as they navigate the shift to mobile. It’s a great feeling to launch new technologies that bring a tangible benefit to all three parties.

