How Can UX Testing Improve Your Leads Generation Strategy?

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Published in
6 min readNov 16, 2017


By Richard Peterson, UX Designer @ England

It is simple: UX testing is helpful to turn your leads into customers and increase your ROI. Does it sound too good to be true? Then read this article and find out how you can also do it!

Leads Generation Strategy, ROI’S Best Friend

In a business, it’s absolutely crucial to know how to draw and attract people in order to generate organic leads who, eventually, will become prospects. As you know, leads are all those who show their interest in your company by filling a form, downloading info that you have on your website and so forth.

Not All Contacts Are Converted Into Customers

Of course these contacts are not always people who are genuinely interested in your brand. Therefore, the major goal of the lead generation strategy is to attract strangers into their digital platforms (e.g.: using keywords) to become visitors of their digital supports. This way you can convert them into leads(e.g.: using call-to-action strategies).

The idea is to make you capable of turning them into loyal customers (e.g.: using emails or CRM actions). When they become customers, you have to keep them happy (e.g.: using surveys). If this whole strategy is successful, they will become the promoters of your brand, they will be the ones attracting strangers yet again and so the circle will be reinitiated once more.

The Circle Of Leads

Therefore it’s easy to understand the reason why a lead generation strategy is helpful to have an enhanced Return On Investment (ROI). Because, when properly structured, it manages to attract consumers who, in turn, will become the brand promotors who in turn, generate even more consumers. In other words, more sales is the best kind of advertising we can get: the organic one, prompted by happy customers.

When we talk about the return of marketing strategies, ROI is not always easy to measure. However, the return of digital marketing can be measured in real time. This makes it possible for you to adjust a strategy whilst you’re getting the results, in order to perceive what contacts are being converted into leads and how you can increase your conversion rate.

Quite probably you’ll have to test more than just one strategy to determine what the best lead generation strategy is. These tests are crucial to discern what method has the best return and therefore the one you have to use. But, as soon as one understands what sort of activities are generating more leads, the ROI is easily verifiable.

Testing Your Users, It Couldn’t Get Any Better

User experience testing (UX testing) is based on understanding the individual’s perception and response when they use a product, system or service. In other words, understanding what someone feels as they carry out all the interactions possible with the thing that they’re using. Usability is something that assesses if someone is able to understand the purpose of the product and/or service which is being used, if they do intuitively or if they struggle with it.

UX testing allows the development of successful relationships between customers and companies, because it allows understanding the expectations of users. To bet on UX testing is to perceive potential issues which may cross the user’s path, correcting and improving them before the product/campaign is launched.

Companies have been increasingly betting on UX testing in a way to maximize their platforms, campaigns and products. By testing your target audience, you can anticipate the outcomes and make adjustments, if necessary. UX testing has proved to be a viable tool which allows predicting your investment’s return.

When UX Testing Meets Leads Generation Strategy

We have already mentioned that a lead generation strategy consists in converting unknown people into consumers (who, in the long run, will be your brand promoters). We have also talked about the importance of UX testing when it comes to perceiving how the target audience may react to a campaign/product/service. If we tie these two concepts together, we can easily perceive the advantages that UX testing adds to a lead generation strategy. We want to mention some of the pros that come with matching these two strategies:

1- Getting Feedback Directly From Your Target Audience

You already know the traits of your target, so you know whom you have to get in touch to turn leads into customers. But, to ensure that’s the case, you can listen to the opinion directly from the people you want to convert. This way you can create more effective campaigns;

2- Understanding How The User Reacts To Different Options

When you are conceiving your lead generation strategy, several solutions may come up, from which you have to pick one. With UX testing you can see the one that will work the better and the one which will, potentially, have the highest return;

3- Increasing The Satisfaction Of Your Target Audience

We have also mentioned that a happy customer is a great plus for your company. In addition to being able to promote the brand, the chances of having them using it again are quite high. To ensure that’s the case, you can perceive what they are looking for by relying on UX testing;

4- Mitigating The Failure Risk

When there’s an investment, one expects a return from it. But several different variables may curb the success rate of such investment. With UX testing you will be able to understand the obstacles which may appear down the read, circumventing them and guaranteeing a greater success;

5- When The Target Reaches Its Goals, The Company Reaches Its Goals

The target audience is going after your brand because it wants to find an answer to a problem. Probably, the market has other solutions, therefore it’s crucial to make sure that your company is the first one to appear in front of it. With UX testing you can understand how your audience behaves and ensure that it sees you as the first option.

UX testing makes it possible to gather relevant information to turn the lead generation strategy into an investment with a return. This is palpable when there are more leads being converted into consumers, more sales but, above all, is palpable when customers are happy.

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