Keep Your Communication Flowing With Motion Design

João Veríssimo
by the way, Hi
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2017

Why motion design? To put it simply, because our world is neither plain nor still, and your communication shouldn’t be either. You may be unsure about the meaning of the term motion design, but chances are you have encountered it many times before: one may even say that nowadays, motion design has become omnipresent and pervades everything, from film credits, advertisements, to websites (both mobile and on desktop) and, of course, apps.

Motion design can even be used at keynote addresses or as a campaign presentation in and of itself. At Hi INTERACTIVE, we believe in the power of motion and have already developed several solutions for our clients, from promotional teasers to informative videos. But before we get side-tracked, let’s start from the beginning: how can we define motion design?

Our Vision of Motion Design

To sum up, motion design can be defined as the transformation of graphic elements into motion, whereby motion design is a tool used not just to convey a given message, but also to be the message itself. With motion design we can tell a story from company presentations to promotions of a service/product and with this storytelling the engagement of the viewer with the message increases.

It is used to instill more life into the message, it makes it easier to capture your audience’s attention when you must display some complex facts, and they generally render your whole presentation more energetic and relatable. After all, if you can make your facts and figures more alluring and entertaining, why not go for it?

Motion Design: A Creative Field in Constant Development

Motion design can be one of the most effective ways to reach out to your target audience and even evoke feelings: by engaging two senses at once (sight and hearing), audiences will be more easily drawn into your message. This engagement and focus can be achieved through matching image and sound, being this last one just Music, Sound Effects or VoiceOver, like in this project with did for Brisa:

When planning a motion design project: concept and timing are of the essence. You must deliver the right message on the lesser time possible to guarantee the full attention of the viewer: you don’t need a long video to have a good message.

How We Do It: Setting Up a Motion Design Project

We offer our clients a fairly streamlined, four-stage creative process, based on our previous experience and our own business insight:

  • Briefing: this is the moment we all sit down and ask you about your pains. We will ask how we can help, either by improving your current communication approach or by designing an entirely new plan of action. Every client is different and every project should have a distinctive tone to it. So before we can offer a solution, we have to know what you would like to achieve.
  • Script: This is a crucial stage in the process; here we will be able to define the main lines of the strategy and also the main plot of the animation. In most cases, since we end up doing voice over, it is important to have as solid a script as possible.
  • Concept board and Storyboard: This is where the graphics start rolling in. After having settled on a particular idea, our designers will set the tone with the graphic mood. We will work on this until we are ready for the fourth and final stage.
  • Motion: After getting final feedback from the client, we finally move on to video production.

Wherever our motion design may lead us, the client is our compass.

Our Contribution To Motion Design: A Constant Work in Progress

At Hi INTERACTIVE, we have had the good fortune of creating added value for some great clients through projects in which motion design was an essential component. Our universal vision, which pervades any project we work on, consists in Designing Experiences for the user. In practical terms, that can be anything: from animating the icons on a website to a video presenting your company’s services, motion design is all around you and we are here to make it work.

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João Veríssimo
by the way, Hi

Hi! I’m the Lead Motion Designer at Hi INTERACTIVE and I love Graphic and Motion Design.