Yes, Video Will Improve E-Commerce Conversion Rate

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Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2017

By Ellie Adams, Marketer @ England

The digital world is focused on the consumer and, for that reason, video content made by companies should be a source of great inspiration to those who view it and work as an efficient tool at the moment of decision. Setting up a perfect purchasing experience has become something vital marketing-wise and also “task” of the consumer, who has a wide array of choices at their disposal.

Given that, during an online purchase, the consumer cannot touch the product, the video is actually helpful when they are making their choice, relying on a clear and appealing communication.

Using Video Increases The Conversion Rate

On online shopping websites, the conversion rate increases if a video happens to be used on the products’ detail page of an online store. It is acknowledged that products with videos show a conversion rate 30% to 40% higher than those that don’t bet on them.

Another interesting data is that most YouTube users — 66% — and Facebook — 57% — have watched at least one video on consumer goods within these platforms.

The use of videos of products in the realm of e-commerce has become increasingly common and constitutes a vital tool for the promotion and conversion process of an online store. Data show that 51% of buyers of an online store claims to feel, after having watched videos, a greater level of trust when purchasing online.

Video Typologies On E-Commerce

By definition, e-commerce websites should provide to their visitors a proper amount of quality information on the products they’re selling. The presentation videos are the vehicle they use to convey complementary information about the service or products, hence making the customers increasingly aware of what the brand is offering them.

There are several video typologies, based on your different goals:

1. Through the completion of a preliminary inquiry, it’s possible to show a list of customized products that are in tune with the preferences gathered;

2. Videos whose aim is to instruct the visitor through the viewing of a tutorial video and that end up increasing the time they spend on the website;

3. A video that displays selection-related tips, making the selection process easier. Studies show that those who watch this sort of audiovisual presentation have a lower number of returns;

4. A video that provides information about the product’s category;

5. A video that describes the product with a high degree of minutiae, and uses these tips as sales pitch;

6. Last, but not the least, the video on after-sale tips, which is helpful to decrease the number of product returns, whilst providing information how to use it correctly.

Example of a Motion Design used to promote a product.

Customization is the Number One Word

Competition in e-commerce is huge, with a rather high number of similar products which, nonetheless, present different payment methods and prices. Therefore, every e-commerce needs to bet on something that makes it stand out from the rest and video marketing can actually be the solution that makes a distinction between competitors.

A strategic planning of Marketing Digital can be helpful in this sort of customization, providing a good opportunity to buy and sell. To ensure that video marketing is helpful when it comes to increasing the turnover of online sales, one needs to have a properly defined audience. Elements like the content’s tone and graphic style are some of the topics that have to be set beforehand, and should be framed within the company’s Digital Marketing strategy.

Producing Content For E-Commerce

Increasing sales and traffic qualification are just two of the reasons why your site’s content should be a differentiation factor. When someone visits an online store, perhaps they have yet to be ready to finish the purchase. If this customer is provided with other options beyond the purchase itself — with information that satisfies their needs, for instance -, a bond with the company and with the brand’s good reputation in the market will be established.

The creation of content based solely on products — a shopping guide or technical info on a product, for instance — can be insufficient to make sure there is a lead generation. The solution is based on investing in more dynamic content which draws the attention of your consumers in an efficient and creative way, prompting a high number of interactions, increasing visibility, the brand’s credibility and customer loyalty.

Betting on ROI and on the Customer

Planning and carrying out a project is a major challenge. It implies changing routines and processes, something that has a direct consequence on the satisfaction and support provided to clients and their identification with your company. Tracking data and performance will be something mandatory to magnify your service area, to improve the quality of customer care and to be aware of when and in what sense it becomes necessary to review the current model. By betting on the production of quality content for the online store, assessing how this initiative contributes to the results of your company will be crucial.

ROI allows planning result-oriented goals. Paying special attention to this indicator allows planning those goals based on results already achieved. This metric also allows identifying the time that the investment needs to generate a return.

The video is the most effective content in the context of e-commerce when it comes to converting a visit. To make sure it reaches its full potential, the video has to be adapted to the consumer and it needs to be available on all devices, so that it reaches the highest number of views possible, hence generating more sales.

The video allows to illustrate, demonstrate and reproduce testimonials in a very dynamic and realistic way, conveying more information in less time. And, with the help of a system that provides statistical data beyond the number of views itself, you will have much more ingredients to improve or recast the campaign and the strategy, which will have to be followed by future videos.

>> Read more on why you should invest in Motion Design.



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