AMA with NFT Artist Naime, the Pixel Artist and Animator

Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2021

Bytom: Hello, everyone! We are glad to meet here: Naime, an NFTartist & Pixel artist, is invited to discuss crypto and her exciting NFT journey, anything you need to know about the becoming of a crypto artist in the NFT era.

Naime: Hi everyone, Thanks for having me here.

Bytom: Welcome Naime, thank you for taking your time today! Let’s start with the introduction. Could you introduce yourself to our community?

Naime: Sure, I’ve studied Graphic at university, continued as a master student in Animation and graduated in September 2020. I started my pixel art journey 5 years ago, when I was working on my final project in BA. Then continued the project in MA and added animation to it.

Bytom: Thanks for your introduction. What made you interested in NFTs? What’s the trigger that inspired you into the NFT world? when did you start your art career? And What made you pursue NFT art?

Naime: I used to see lots of my friends posting about something called NFT on Instagram About 5 or 6 months ago, which I had no idea about! I started my NFT journey on July. The most interesting thing about NFT to me is the freedom to create whatever you love to. Fortunately, I got lots of visibility from the first day I joined the space and this was a great motivation.

Bytom: What type of work do you create the most? Could you show us some of your works?

Naime: As you mentioned I’m a pixel artist and animator. You can find my artworks on my Foundation:

Bytom: Would you say your background in animation has helped your works on NFT。

Naime: Of course it has helped me so much. Since people in the NFT space are so interested in motion pictures and animated artworks, my kind of art is so amazing to them.

Bytom: Which NFT sites have your works on? Which platform is the most convenient, and in general, if we talk about platforms (NFT platforms), what requirements and criteria do you, as an artist, impose on them?

Naime: I’ve worked on Opensea, Foundation and Hicetnunc. I think there are pros and cons for every platform. For example, the amount of percentage that Foundation takes for every sale is so high! meanwhile, there are an incredible number of artworks being dropped on Opensea everyday that makes your work lost. I think a platform needs to be handy, with great UI and UX, providing different kinds of sales and reasonable percentage for the site.

Bytom: Where do you see NFT in the next 5 years? Is there any missing link in the NFT platforms as we have it now? How can it be bridged, if any?

Naime: In my opinion, NFTs, metaverse, web3 and decentral world is gonna be everything in the near future. and everybody needs to be involved in it.

Bytom: Thanks for your sharing. I bet NFTs played a big role in changing the trajectory of your art career, or did it not? Could you tell us more about this? I’d like to know in your opinion, what determines the value of your NFTs?

Naime: Fortunately, I got lots of visibility as I dropped my genesis piece and it made me really motivated to continue as a serious NFT artist. Also the freedom to work on your own ideas as an artist is something that I was looking for since years ago. After about 2 months of being in the space, I decided to quit my job as an artist in a game developing team. And I think that was the biggest impact of NFT in my life, because I really loved the team and what I used to do there. The connection between my art and culture and traditions is the main value in my NFTs.

Bytom: As an artist, what keeps you moving forward and achieving where you are now despite the tight competition in the NFT marketplace, can you share with us your creative concept and source of inspiration?

Naime: The community friendship and love I’ve been receiving since I joined the space is something that really keeps me here, specially when the market is dumped. My source of inspiration is Persian miniature. I try to make a combination of culture and modern life and pixel art plays the role of modern life symbol in my art.

Bytom: Currently NFT is developing and becoming a new innovation in the Blockchain world. However, many Artists/Creators still don’t understand how to create NFT. How does solve this problem? Do you have plans to educate about NFT to Artists outside of Non-Crypto? Thank you.

Naime: Yes, I’ve been thinking about creating my own website to share my art there, and some education to those who are interested in the NFT.

Bytom: When artists display their art, they are able to observe people’s instant reactions to their art pieces through facial expressions, mimics, etc. However, with nft art, this is not possible. What do nft artists feel about it? Because they won’t be able to see these reactions.

Naime: Actually, in the NFT space these reactions are translated to share and RT and. comments.
I know this is so different from the real world but it’s all we have here!

Bytom: the website idea is great, do you have any plan for offline artists in your home country so they can benefit from NFT?

Naime: Maybe someday I’d think about it if I see a considerable number people around myself who are interested to know about NFT.

Bytom: As we all know NFTs are in trend, so what is your future goal after this? What is your vision of the NFT market and products? Do you think it will bring more value to the artist and their art?

Naime: I’m looking forward to making people in the NFT space more familiar with Persian miniatures and it means a lot to me when I hear someone is interested in the topic by watching my artworks. As my art. style is pixel art, I’ve been thinking about developing a game based on my art too.

Bytom: In your quest to have a game based on your artwork, have you been able to look for other artists or professionals for collaboration so you can easily achieve your goal

Naime: Yeah, I’ve been looking around the community for months to make a professional team. Because I think a perfect team is the key to success.

Bytom: what suggestion would you have for the Bytom team as we look forward to the launch of our NFT platform

Naime: You know Makersplace give great visibility to artists. Opensea provides different kinds of sales and Foundation has a large number of collectors. Also, Superrare has a great algorithm to filter the artists. But there’s not a one and only platform with all of these properties.
Looking forward to your platform.

