Bytom Ecosystem Explained (2) — What is the relationship between Bytom Mainchain and Vapor Sidechain?

Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2020

If you read the previous article:,

then you may already get some ideas about Bytom. You may also come up with some questions about Bytom, and You may want to come to further, so here we have the second article.

What is the relationship between Bytom Mainchain and Vapor Sidechain?

Bytom mainchain:
Frankly speaking, Bytom mainchain made some upgrades for bitcoin-like blockchain, using *PoW consensus + *BUTXO (extending UTXO to BUTXO).
There are many bitcoin-like blockchains, like Litecoin, Bitcoin cash. But those blockchain has the same roles as bitcoin, to store the value. Why? Because this type of blockchain using PoW consensus which makes it very hard to be compromised, so many mining machines or mining pools are competing to generate the blocks. It really consumes certain energy and cost to run, and it’s quite safe.
But one problem is most bitcoin-like blockchains only support one asset, its own asset, BTC or LTC and etc.
Bytom mainchain created BUTXO, which can support multi-asset transactions. That means you can not only create assets but also transfer those assets simultaneously on Bytom mainchain. And with the safe PoW consensus, the asset created on Bytom Mainchain is more secure.

Vapor sidechain:
Vapor sidechain is the sidechain of Bytom. And it can also be implemented to be a sidechain of other blockchains.
Vapor using DPoS + BBFT consensus, which theoretically can support 16000TPS. That means it can support large-scale transactions that happened on the blockchain, so Vapor can be quite a good infrastructure for the circulation of Assets, like trading, lending, and many other Financial products.

How Bytom mainchain interact with Vapor (sidechain):

Through Bytom innovative crosschain gateway, the assets can mint, and redeem between Bytom mainchain and sidechain.

So what’s the relationship between Bytom Mainchain and Vapor sidechain? Do you have the answer?
One simple answer is Asset can be created on Bytom Mainchain and circulated on Vapor sidechain.
The circulation of assets on Vapor sidechain can be like trading, lending, and many other Financial products. (This part will be detailed more in our MOV DeFi Section in the subsequent articles, stay tuned.)

*BUXTO (Bytom Unspent Transaction Output) is the amount of Bytom coin you have left after executing a transaction, it’s an extension of Bitcoin’s UTXO.
*PoW Proof of Work
*BBFT Bytom Byzantine Fault Tolerance
*DPoS Delegated Proof of Stake
*TPS Transaction per second is the number of transactions a network is capable of processing every second.

