Bytom Weekly Report (2020. 10. 12–10. 16)

Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2020

Project Development

1, Community governance amendment

After more than ten days of submission of suggestions from the community, the team actively absorbed community suggestions. After careful analysis and modification, the community governance amendment of the MOV SuperTx protocol has been released. Compared with the previous draft V1, There are five detailed rules SUP holders need to check:

1) Participants of protocol and related vote counting rules

2) Rules for proposal initiation

3) Voting period and related rules

4) Conditions for the proposal to take effect

5) Handling of conflicting proposals

2,New Ambassador Announcement

We would like to introduce Junn (@Andromeda_N2) who is joining the Bytom community as a Bytom Ambassador. Junn has been involved in blockchain for the last couple of years as a community moderator and a UI developer for blockchain related web applications. He has a background in tech and media for European and global brands, which will help us build the Bytom western community and ecosystem.

Dev Report


1. Formulate technical solutions for SUP(SuperTx token) governance;

2. Coding of SUP governance page;

3. OFMF autosign integration test;

4. Fix the problem of inconsistent synchronization of OFMF database;

5. Optimize the logical processing related to the chain name in the OFMF synchronization process;

6. SuperTx newly added RPC interface to obtain “pool shares” list data;

7. Add balance monitoring and utxo available quantity monitoring to the handling fee address for unlocking delayed transfers;

8. MOV web OFMF cross-chain BTC, BTM cross-chain requirements, UI update;

9. MOV web third-party wallet support and joint debugging;

10. SUP governance Bapp, homepage, proposal initiated, proposal list UI;


1. Byone v3.0.5 is released, adding the switch entrance of the main network test network, optimizing the display of the cross-chain transaction list, and fixing the problem of unsynchronized account switching in multiple windows;

2. Modify the switching asset logic, reconstruct the collection, transfer, and cross-chain page code;

MOV platform data

In the past 7 days, the number of transactions on the MOV reached 606,588 the number of active addresses reached 7,195, and the transaction amount reached $23,149,083.49

More details:


1, Join Bycoin partnership share permanent dividends

MOV, as the next generation decentralized cross-chain exchange protocol, after the continuous launch of the “cross-chain gift package” and “the first MOV on-chain trading competition” activities, the cross-in assets were nearly 5.71 million dollars, and the on-chain trading volume also increased linearly. In order to promote the further development of MOV’s ecology and share the revenue to community fans, Bytom officially launched the “Bycoin Partnership, Make the Future” Community Partner Program on May 11, 2020.

To thank the community users for their continuous support, the Bycoin team extends the partner program from limited time to permanent. From August 11, 2020, all partners will receive a permanent dividend equal to 10% of the trading fee, of which the first-level 8% of the fee and the second-level 2% of the trading fee. There is no deadline and no upper limit for dividends.

MOV SUP liquidity mining Debut, No pre-mining, no reservation, no private sale.

