Bytom Weekly Report (2021. 4.12–2021.4.16)

Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2021

Project Development

MOV SuperTx (WEB) supports ERC20 assets and permissionless list

Part of MOV SuperTx (WEB) function and liquidity have been updated, now it supports ERC20 assets and permissionless list. OFMF, the open cross-chain gateway supports ERC20 asset protocol. More assets will be listed, as well as user self-built pool. Stay tuned!

Website of MOV JieDai adds Data Analysis function

Website of MOV JieDai now adds Data Analysis function, users can view asset data, transaction data, market overview on the page of Data Analysis.

Immediately query:…

Reward of the ZKS Deposit & Withdrawal Activity has been distributed

The reward of the ZKS Deposit & Withdrawal Activity has been distributed to the sidechain wallet. Sorry for the delayed payment caused by the Ethereum fork yesterday. Keep paying attention to the follow-up ZKS/BTM mining activity to win more rewards!

Bytom 2.0 Technical Roadmap released

We are excited to announce Bytom 2.0 Technical Roadmap! It is expected that BTM2.0 will take shape in late April this year. In late July, ordinary users can enjoy BTM2.0 functions through clients. In August, BTM2.0 will be officially launched.

ZKS/BTM liquidity mining to be launched next week

MOV SuperTx will launch ZKS/BTM liquidity mining next week. Participate to win more rewards, stay tuned!

Bytom CEO Lang Yu was invited to Supercomputing·Fusion HashCon 2021

On April 17–18, Supercomputing·Fusion HashCon 2021 will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan province. Lang Yu, Bytom CEO is invited to participate in this conference and have a roundtable discussion. The conference and surrounding activities cover blockchain-related industry summits, the topics cover DeFi, distributed storage, NFT, crypto mining, and New Infrastructure.

Dev Report

BTM 2.0

BUTXO extended test case bugfix;

rawTx, rawBlock serialization adds state;

The VM layer validateTx constructs a BUTXO that adapts to the state;

Modify BTM 2.0 github CI;

Modify the corresponding unit test of BTM 2.0;

Unit test for storing and deleting registered contracts when synchronizing and rolling back blocks;

Deploy the judgment and conversion of the registered contract Script through the contract hash;

Remove the GasValid field in BTM 2.0;

SuperTx protocol

SuperTx ZKS mining development;

SuperTx test environment migration;

ZKS mining BApp web UI, mobile version adaptation, interface joint debugging;

BTM/ZKS liquidity mining function test;

The new UI of SuperTx Data PC is revised;

SuperTx governance new UI revision;

JieDai protocol

Jiedai data analysis is launched;


Update oracle, bytom-updater, and vapor-updater;

Change the source of asset prices from QKL 123 to Oracle;


Selection of cross-chain solutions for ETH and BTM assets;

SuperTx coin listing and OFMF cross-chain launch and online testing;

Mobile terminal

ZKS activities related development;

Use Flutter to rewrite part of the page;

MOV platform data

In the past seven days, the number of transactions on MOV reached 821,729, the number of active addresses reached 5,365, and the transaction volume reached $25,384,451.46.


1, Join Bycoin partnership share permanent dividends

MOV, as the next generation decentralized cross-chain exchange protocol, after the continuous launch of the “cross-chain gift package” and “the first MOV on-chain trading competition” activities, the cross-in assets were nearly 5.71 million dollars, and the on-chain trading volume also increased linearly. In order to promote the further development of MOV’s ecology and share the revenue with community fans, Bytom officially launched the “Bycoin Partnership, Make the Future” Community Partner Program on May 11, 2020.

To thank the community users for their continuous support, the Bycoin team extends the partner program from a limited time to permanent. From August 11, 2020, all partners will receive a permanent dividend equal to 10% of the trading fee, of which the first-level 8% of the fee and the second-level 2% of the trading fee. There is no deadline and no upper limit for dividends.

2, SuperTx governance proposal status update

SuperTx governance has been opened. There are currently 20 proposals in the community, including Litecoin trading pair released, Shortened review voting time, Proposal to open SuperTx listing rights, Reduction of SuperTx transaction fees for SUP holders, Listing Polkadot in MOV, and listing ZEC and ZEN, Let SUP Popularized to capture value, these proposals have been voted by the community;

Click to view the details of superconducting community governance:

