Bytom Weekly Report (2021. 4.26–2021.4.30)

Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2021

Project Development

Now MOV SuperTx lists ZKS/BTM trading pair

ZKSwap, the DEX based on Layer 2 has supported mBTM/ETH, mBTM/USDT, mBTM/ZKS, and mBTM/USDT trading pairs. (mBTM: Wrapped BTM ERC 20 token). Come and trade on SuperTx (!

Tips: mBTM is the 1:1 equivalent token of BTM on Ethereum, obtained through SuperTx.

Bytom coin burn plan 2020 finished

Bytom has burnt the unburnt part of BTM token of the 2020 plan as scheduled on April 25, 2021. According to the market price, a total of 5,245,877.73 BTM will be burnt. BTM burnt this time comes from the Bytom Foundation’s own part. The hash of the burn: 555d4b00d79fddcafd184b2ecd48ca52d0b8db116c901332f92821567cc06297.

Bytom X Polygon empower the cross-chain and DeFi on more blockchains

Bytom blockchain will collaborate with Polygon, a protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Polygon and Bytom will jointly develop the cross-chain initiative together, which fundamentally can benefit both parties.

Bytom X ZKSwap jointly build technical ecosystem to promote DeFi application

Bytom and ZKSwap will lower trading fees for assets between Bytom blockchain and ETH layer2, real-time free cross-chain circulation, and have in-depth cooperation in cross-chain asset collateral & lending, liquidity mining and other fields. Bytom hopes to accelerate the integration of its own ecology and the ecology of Ethereum, and provide more services for DeFi users. Before that, MOV SuperTx has listed the ZKS/BTM trading pair.

Bytom 2.0.0-alpha released as the first step of the BTM 2.0 upgrade

Bytom 2.0.0-alpha has been released as the first step of the BTM 2.0 upgrade.
Bytom 2.0 will be better compatible with external ecology and smart contract systems so that MOV protocol cluster will better promote the value capture of BTM.

Lang Yu, CEO of Bytom, was invited to participate in the IEEE C/BDL Standard Committee Plenary Meeting 2021

Lang Yu, CEO of Bytom, was invited to participate in the IEEE C/BDL Standard Committee Plenary Meeting 2021 on April 28. The meeting was held at Hotel Nikko Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. At the meeting, Lang Yu summarized and looked forward to the work of the P3209 working group in the past year.

IEEE Identity Key Management Working Group (Fifth Meeting) was held

Bytom held the fifth meeting of the IEEE Identity key management (IKM) working group in Hotel Nikko Suzhou on April 29, 2021. Firechain Technology, Sichuan Changhong, Math Wallet, Ontology, CZBank, and other members participated in the discussion about some questions about the previous draft.

At the meeting, Mao Xianping, an expert from Ontology, provided insights on the security of the cross-chain self-certification scheme, and believed that replay attacks may be encountered for being a long time. Fan Jingwen, an expert from Sichuan Changhong, believes that CKD/HKD needs to consider different strengths and levels. Experts from FireChain, Zhongke Fuyun have also expressed constructive opinions on the draft.

Dev Report


BUTXO status data storage expanded from 1d to 2d

swap contract transformation design, VM layer expansion op checkoutput

Add the registration contract fee calibration function in the kernel layer

Application service add resource management API

Application service add dialog management API

Application service add notification push API

Optimize the BTM2.0 database storage blockchain, the header and body are stored separately

SuperTx protocol

SuperTx governance new UI revision completed

Repair the SuperTx data interface: the SuperTx pool separate query statistics data interface returns an error

SuperTx preliminary background plan formulation and development

SUP buyback statistics script optimization


Ethereum ERC20 multi-signature to single-signature plan is determined

OFMF govendor changed to go mod

Single sign ERC20 synchronization

OFMF multi-signature contract modification billing address


Try Blockmeta, use mysql and submit the MVP code

JieDai protocol

JieDai BApp, JieDai Market, My JieDai, Liquidation Auction, Lending Data Analysis Page Revised, Adapted to the New UI Framework Borrow, Return, Add Mortgage Operation Pop-up Data, Extract State to Global State, Multi-page Global Shared State.

Cross-chain assets

mBTM token issuance on HECO, BSC

Mobile terminal

Bycoin is relisted on GooglePlay. Bycoin wallet supports Ethereum DApp, and web3 injection and initialization, address acquisition, signature transactions, etc. have been adjusted. WalletConnect adjustment.

MOV platform data

In the past seven days, the number of transactions on MOV reached 1,012,495, the number of active addresses reached 5,328, and the transaction volume reached $28,991,945.42.


1, Join Bycoin partnership share permanent dividends

MOV, as the next generation decentralized cross-chain exchange protocol, after the continuous launch of the “cross-chain gift package” and “the first MOV on-chain trading competition” activities, the cross-in assets were nearly 5.71 million dollars, and the on-chain trading volume also increased linearly. In order to promote the further development of MOV’s ecology and share the revenue with community fans, Bytom officially launched the “Bycoin Partnership, Make the Future” Community Partner Program on May 11, 2020.

To thank the community users for their continuous support, the Bycoin team extends the partner program from a limited time to permanent. From August 11, 2020, all partners will receive a permanent dividend equal to 10% of the trading fee, of which the first-level 8% of the fee and the second-level 2% of the trading fee. There is no deadline and no upper limit for dividends.

