Bytom Weekly Report (2021. 5.6–2021.5.14)

Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021

Project Development

FLUX supported Staking & Lending Mining for mBTM on HecoChain

FLUX has supported Staking & Lending Mining for mBTM on HecoChain from 14:00, May 8, 2021 (UTC+8). Come and try it:!

Here is the tutorial of Flux Stake Mining for BTM Holders:

Bytom X Poly Network building a cross-chain ecosystem

We are excited to announce our partnership with Poly Network, the cross-chain interoperability protocol. The two parties will carry out in-depth cooperation in the assets cross-chaining. With the help of Poly Network’s underlying cross-chain technology, the cross-chain interoperability of Bytom’s multi-chain crypto assets on ETH, BSC, HECO, and Bytom networks will be realized.

In the future, the two parties will jointly build cross-chain bridges between Bytom and other chains to realize the free exchange of mainstream assets on different blockchains, and jointly contribute to the prosperity of the DeFi application ecosystem.

Bytom X StakingRewards creates fundamental toolkit for Bytom 2.0 staking ecosystem

StakingRewards is a profound service provider that can help users easily stake their tokens, check the staking profiles of PoS blockchains, and many other widgets are also provided by StakingRewards. Bytom Blockchain is fully welcome users can be more engaged in Bytom’s staking ecosystem, to that end, working with StakingRewards can greatly help to teach new users and partners to participate in staking on Bytom blockchain.

Bycoin airdrop 10,000 SHIB, 100,000,000 HOKK, 100,000,000 KUSHI for new users

Bycoin Airdrop SHIB, HOKK, KISHU for new users, regular users can also participate in SuperTx Liquidity Mining to earn extra rewards.

Download Bycoin Wallet and everyone can get 10,000 SHIB, 100 million HOKK, 100 million KUSHI airdrop.

Download Link: How to get it: Install Bycoin wallet> Register wallet> Click “BApp”> Click on the activity page to receive.

Dev Report

BTM 2.0

Modification and optimization of BTM 2.0 api module

Modification and optimization of BTM 2.0 wallet module

Complete the VM layer expansion op checkoutput to support the verification of status data.

Research on the adaptation of the swap contract transformation status data transfer to the compiler layer.

Organize the Blockmeta2.0 data structure code

Locate and modify the Federation service running on the Blockmeta server

Develop java sdk according to BTM 2.0 blockchain analysis rules

Modify relevant parts of Python-bytomlib sdk for transaction analysis


OFMF multi-signature => Single-signature luanched, ETH migration is completed.

Complete the procedures for OFMF to issue assets

OFMF summary provides a cross-chain program fee interface, and supports single-sign ETH

Modified parallel processing of ETH blockchain transactions

Add support for ERC20 search/add api

SuperTx protocol

Discussion and modification of SuperTx v3 swap

JieDai protocol

JieDai auction list, my auction, additional mortgage, JieDai switch panel

BApp activities

Bycoin airdrop back-end code writing, testing, online

BApp development of Bycoin airdrop activity

Operation tools

Implement security RBAC microservices and provide authentication services for application management API

Application service added MOV Web dialog API

Modify the application service dialog management API

Deploy application, security, notification microservices to the test environment

Mobile terminal

Changes on the UI of Bycoin v2.3.5 asset page and cross-chain page

Modify App function

SuperTx logic modification, interface communication and evaluation

MOV platform data

In the past seven days, the number of transactions on MOV reached 1,039,716, the number of active addresses reached 5,693, and the transaction volume reached $36,781,950.25.


1, Join Bycoin partnership share permanent dividends

In order to promote the further development of MOV’s ecology and share the revenue with community fans, Bytom officially launched the “Bycoin Partnership, Make the Future” Community Partner Program on May 11, 2020.

To thank the community users for their continuous support, the Bycoin team extends the partner program from a limited time to permanent. From August 11, 2020, all partners will receive a permanent dividend equal to 10% of the trading fee, of which the first-level 8% of the fee and the second-level 2% of the trading fee. There is no deadline and no upper limit for dividends.

