FAQ for Bytom 2.0 in Bycoin

Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2021

About assets

1. How to check after the assets are issued in the wallet?

In the [Homepage], switch the Bytom/Bytom Classic network respectively to confirm the asset update status.

2. Why are sidechain assets not migrated to BTMC?

BTMC assets corresponding to sidechain assets will be distributed in succession, please pay attention to the announcement.

Note: Before the snapshot, the assets in the Magnex pending orders and JieDai in the sidechain will not be able to obtain BTMC.

3. How to transfer mBTM to Bytom under the Ethereum network?

  • Transfer mBTM to Bycoin’s Ethereum address
  • Enter the [Exchange] interface, select the mBTM/BTM trading pair, input the quantity, and click [Exchange]
  • After the exchange is complete, please check the updated assets on the sidechain

4. How to convert Bytom erc20?

In Bycoin, enter the [Exchange] interface, select Bytom erc20/BTM trading pair, input the quantity, and click [Exchange]

After the exchange is complete, please check the updated assets on the sidechain

5. How to transfer the assets in the old full-node wallet to Bycoin (mobile terminal)?

You can transfer assets in the full node wallet to the addresses started with “Bm” under and Bytom Classic network in Bycoin.

About node

1. How to participate in node staking

Assets are in [Mainchain]: Click [Staking], select nodes, and vote.

Assets in [Sidechain]: Through cross-chain, the assets of the sidechain are transferred to the mainchain to participate in the Bytom 2.0 staking voting.

2. How about the node rewards?

Node rewards and rate of return are formulated and distributed by consensus nodes.

3. How long is the lock-up period for Bytom 2.0 node staking

The lock-up period is 1 day, and users who exceed 1 day can cancel the staking. (Subject to block height)

Note: When the user cancels staking, the uncancelled part will be staked again and locked for 1 day (subject to the block height)

4. Time for node rewards distribution

The time for the distribution is determined by the node.

5. What should I do if the original node vote cannot be withdrawn?

You need to withdraw your votes on the [Sidechain] voting interface (note the 21-day lock-up period), and then cross the assets into the mainchain by Vapor-2.0 gateway to participate in staking voting.

When the assets participating in the sidechain voting withdraw the ballots, please be sure to cancel all of them. If some of the votes are canceled, the remaining assets will be voted again and enter a new round of lock-up period.

6. Staking voting shows insufficient balance

Staking voting consumes a small amount of trading fee, please reserve some assets for the trading fee when staking.

About transaction

1. After the snapshot, will the transaction affect the migration?

After the snapshot is completed, the transaction will not affect the migration.

2. How to transfer USDT on the sidechain to the exchange

Click [Crosschain] on the [Sidechain] interface and select [Transfer to other address]

Input the exchange address (pay attention to the network), input the quantity, and click [Confirm]

3. Will MOV support BTMC transactions?

MOV will support BTMC trading later, and you can follow our Twitter for the latest information.

About function

1. There is no option to account information in Bycoin settings

  • Please update to the latest version of Bycoin (v2.5.2).
  • Enter the [Settings] interface, fill in the phone number & verification code, and bind.

2. The verification code cannot be received

  • Please confirm whether the mobile phone number is correct
  • There will be a short delay in receiving the verification code, please wait patiently. If you have not received the verification code for a long time, please re-enter Bycoin to bind.

3. How to query the block height?

The block height can be queried in blockmeta.

Website: https://blockmeta.com

About exchange

For exchange-related issues, users can check the announcements of the exchanges, and the announcements of the exchanges shall prevail.

