Instruction to Build BTMC Pool

Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2021


1. Prepare a full node for obtaining POW computing tasks. Please refer to the tutorial:

2. You need to install Go environment and configure the environment variables. It is recommended to use the latest Go1.17

Download source code to compile

Download source code

git clone

You need to put the source code in the directory specified by the Go path, if not, you need to create a new one



go build -o target_file

If there is an error, confirm whether it is wrong with Go version or dependency package, because the basic dependency packages are already packaged in the project, so you can set it without looking in the environment

go env -w GO111MODULE=false

Run a mining pool

Configure operating parameters

$ cd $GOPATH/src/

The contents of the file are as follows:

mode: prod # 
# server 服务器信息 0 # 矿工的id分配
stratum.port: 9119 # 矿工连接端口
stratum.max_conn: 32768 # 最大矿工连接数
stratum.default_ban_period: 10m # 禁止恶意矿工连接
# session 会话信息
session_timeout: 5m # 连接超时
session.sched_interval: 0 # 工作广播间隔,0表示新工作到来时立即广播
session.init_diff: 1050000 # 初始难度
session.min_diff: 1050000 # 最小难度
session.max_diff: 1050000 # 最大难度
session.target_rate: 0.1 # 提交频率,默认每10s提交一次工作
session.diff_step_rate: 0.1 #
session.sub_hist_len: 60 #
# node 全节点信息
- # BTMC节点ip btmc_mainnet # 节点名称,默认为btmc_mainnet
node.sync_interval: 100ms # 从节点获取工作的时间间隔
service.port: 11002 # 服务器端口

Others can be the default, you need to modify node.url

After the configuration is complete, run BTMC pool, you need to specify the file directory configuration

$ cd $GOPATH/src/

If the following information is printed, it means the startup is successful:

If you do not start the full node, get-work will report an error

After starting the full node, the task will be successfully obtained

Connect users to the mining pool

Configure the miner

URL: The ip and port of your mining pool, the port is the stratum.port parameter in the previous configuration file, the default is 9119

User: <mining address>.<mining machine code>, such as bm1q5mmx49m84muuhlmvm0qgezg4rzdxlucrns2ekt.001

Password: Do not need to fill in

Click to save

Check user connection

When a user connects to the mining pool, the session will increase

Get rewards

The mining pool will get BTMC mining rewards, and the mining rewards will default to the first account created by the full node (that is, the full node connected at runtime).


The btmcpool open source project provides basic mining pool capabilities such as BTMC (BTM1.0) to obtain work from full node and distribute to users, maintain user connections, submit work and other basic mining pool capabilities. Additional capabilities such as rewards distribution need to be added by users.

More details:

