How Frase Boosted Search Visibility 4838% in 33 Days?

Sairam Iyengar
ByValueMoney Blog
Published in
6 min readSep 25, 2023

As per Statista, in 2021, there were about 1.8 billion websites on Google. Considering the huge amount of websites that are launched on Google on a regular basis, it is almost next to impossible to outperform the content published by each and every website and gain more market share or improve your search visibility, as there is always a cutthroat competition with each website competing with millions of websites in the similar industry.

In this competitive environment, we at Byvaluemoney were able to improve our search visibility by 4838%, and that too in a span of just 33 days with the help of a tool named Frase.

If you are someone who is looking to achieve similar results, stick to this blog till the end, as we are going to share how we were able to achieve it.

What is Frase?

Frase is a powerful and highly advanced tool in the realm of content optimization and SEO (search engine optimization). It distinguishes itself through its innovative application of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, offering invaluable assistance to businesses and content creators looking to elevate their online presence and excel in the world of digital marketing.

At its core, Frase boasts a rich array of features and functionalities meticulously designed to streamline the process of content creation and enhance SEO strategies. One of its standout capabilities lies in its adeptness at analyzing search engine results, providing users with critical insights into the most pertinent and trending topics within a specific niche or industry. This, in turn, empowers users to identify the most compelling keywords and phrases, thereby drawing organic traffic to their digital domains.

Moreover, Frase possesses the remarkable ability to generate comprehensive content briefs by sourcing information from a wide array of online sources. These briefs serve as meticulous blueprints for crafting content that seamlessly aligns with search engine algorithms and user intent. Such a function not only simplifies the content creation process but also ensures that the resulting material is both informative and impeccably tailored for SEO success.

How has Frase helped us?

Now that you are familiar with what Frase is, let us take you through how it has helped us achieve the desired results.

Frase helped us streamline the entire content writing process.

If you have ever hired a content writer before, you know that it becomes extremely important that you share the right content guidelines in order to make sure that the content quality stays top-notch.

In this scenario, Frase has helped us achieve just that.

In Frase, it helped us by giving a content outline and all the LSI keywords, which mean related keywords of our target keyword according to SERP.

All you are required to do is ensure that your content covers all the related keywords naturally with a good content structure without forcing it in order to improve your content optimization score.

Remember, the more related keywords or LSI keywords you have in your content towards your main topic and the better structure or outline your content has, the more it will be optimized for search engines, helping you rank better as Google will observe your content as most relevant for the particular topic or targeted keyword.

4 Benefits of Using Frase

  1. It fetches all the data from the SERP for the targeted keywords and gives you an overview of what words or topics other high-authority websites have covered in their respective domains.
  2. It helps you build a content outline as per the SERP results, and not only that, there are 2 ways you can go about this. The first is by manually selecting the headers from other domain sites covering the topics that you want to cover and building a content outline out of them, or you can use AI to generate it for you.
  3. It tells you the average content optimization score of your competitors and other things like, how many images on average are required?, how many words of content are required to rank for the targeted keywords?, how many internal and external links are required, etc. helping you make just the perfect blog content that Google loves the most.
  4. Lastly, LSI keywords. Frase AI suggests a list of keywords that need to be included in the blog and also tells you the amount of time they need to be repeated, as well as the top 20 content on SERP, helping you improve your content optimization score.

Our Story on How We Came to Know About Frase

Just like every other business, we at ByValueMoney have been striving to improve our search rankings and organic traffic on our website.

In the process of refining how we can keep providing quality content that people love the most and Google wants to rank, and just constantly researching how we can improve it further, we came across this tool known as Surfer SEO.

However we felt that it was too expensive for us at the moment; hence, we decided to find out if there were tools available at cheaper rates similar to Surfer SEO, and finally, we came up with this new tool named Frase AI.

We have been using this tool since August 21st, and currently, it’s our 2nd month with them, we are sure to use it further as it is well-suited to our SEO strategy.

Results (Before Frase and After Frase)

Now that you know how Frase has helped us and its benefits, let us share our Google Search Console metrics and a few of my rankings with you before and after using Frase so that you really understand the impact it has and take advantage of it.

Google Search Console (Before Using Frase)

The below screenshot shows the data from the date range (August 1st-August 20th).

Google Search Console (After Using Frase)

The below screenshot shows the data from the date range (August 21st-September 23rd).

Search Engine Result Page (ByValueMoney ranking 1st in the US)


This entire case study is proof that, with the right strategy and the right implementation incorporated with tools, No matter the amount of competition, one can definitely achieve results. Not only that, after this result, we realized that it is never just about the tools we use, but if we have the ability to understand what the tool is providing and how we can implement it within our strategy to get the desired results.

However, always remember, that it’s never about the tools; it’s about the one who uses them.


1) What is Frase used for?

Frase is a content optimization tool that gives suggestions to users based on the data from the SERP ranking for the targeted keyword.

2) What are the features of Frase io?

Frase io can help you in multiple ways such as :

  1. Content outline generation.
  2. LSI keyword recommendations to improve content’s relevancy across search engines.
  3. Give content guidelines to your content writers and improve the content quality.

3) How to use Frase for SEO?

You can use Frase to optimize your content for SEO based on the other top domain data points that are ranking higher for the particular targeted keyword and improve your search visibility (Impressions) just like we did.

Originally published at How Frase Boosted Search Visibility 4838% In 33 Days? on September 25, 2023.

