Top 7 Pros & Cons of SEO For Beginners

Sairam Iyengar
ByValueMoney Blog
Published in
7 min readOct 3, 2023

Are you struggling to attract the online traffic your website deserves? Perhaps you, like many website owners, have poured countless hours and resources into creating a remarkable online presence. Only to find that the visitors you predict remain challenging to catch. If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

This is a common difficulty that countless website owners, who come to me, struggle the most with. Most of them find it hard to get organic searches despite a strong digital marketing strategy in place. This often leaves them perplexed and pondering the root cause of their online traffic woes. As seasoned SEO experts at By Value Money, we understand the frustration and uncertainty that can accompany this journey.

Today, we aim to shed light on a critical aspect of online success for beginners: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO can be a game-changer, but it’s essential to grasp both its advantages and potential pitfalls before starting this digital journey.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ‘Top 7 Pros & Cons of SEO For Beginners.’ Whether you’re new to SEO or seeking to refine your existing strategies, our expert insights will provide you with a clear roadmap. We’ll understand the complications of SEO in a way that is both enlightening and actionable. The insights will educate you to make informed decisions about your website’s future.

What are the top pros of SEO?

A vigorous SEO campaign with best practices helps you get a continuous flow of free and targeted traffic to your website, which is essential for any business that wants to succeed online. When people search for keywords related to your business, your website will appear higher in the search results, which means more people will see it and click on it. This can lead to more organic traffic, sales, and revenue for your business. Who doesn’t like a good conversion rate within your marketing budget?

Search engine algorithms help small businesses compete with larger businesses in the online space by leveling the playing field. When small business owner optimizes their websites for SEO, they can rank higher in search results than larger businesses that do not optimize their websites. This can help small businesses reach a wider audience and attract more customers daily. Once you have a solid marketing channel backed with SEO in place, you can reap long-term results and achieve your business goals.

SEO can help you create a more customer-friendly website by making it easier for people to find the information they are looking for. An effective SEO strategy can help the search traffic convert better resulting in positive ROI. When your website is optimized for relevant keywords, people will be able to find the content they need more quickly and easily. This can lead to a better user experience by using keyword research tools, which can encourage people to stay on your website longer and make a purchase.

Search engine optimization helps you build higher brand integrity by showing potential customers that you are an authority in your industry. When your website ranks higher in search results, it shows that you are a trusted source of information and that you offer valuable products or services. This way, this powerful tool can help you build trust with potential customers and make them more likely to do business with you. However, this mostly works when a long-term marketing strategy is in place.

Search performance (search engine rankings) can increase the visibility of your brand by getting your website seen by more people. When your website ranks higher in search results, it is more likely to be seen by potential customers when they are searching for information about the products or services that you offer. You can even consider advertising on search engines and stealing the traffic of your bigger competitors. This way your clever marketing method with clear content creation can help you target popular keywords. And also get better visibility from your marketing investment by playing smart. But that is only possible when you provide the audience with valuable content and do not waste even a single lead.

Among several other key advantages, SEO results are measurable. So you can track your progress on Google Analytics and see how your SEO efforts are paying off on targeted search terms or Google ads. You can use other SEO tools to measure your website’s ranking in search results, traffic, and conversions. With this information website owners can identify what is working in their favor and which area needs improvement. After all, everyone should study the results of their constant investment to make the most of it. That’s how successful digital marketing campaigns should also be. Remember my tip, tons of money with a lack of control is a waste.

SEO can also help you improve your website’s user experience. When your website is optimized for relevant keywords, it will be easier for people to find the information they are looking for and navigate your website. This can lead to a better user experience, which can encourage people to stay on your website longer and make a purchase. This doesn’t involve the advantages of SEO. One must also consider the experience of mobile users through UX and UI design. This helps majorly with organic conversions and has numerous advantages.

What are the cons of SEO?

SEO is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and effort to optimize your website for SEO and see results. You should be prepared to invest in SEO for at least 6 months to 1 year, and perhaps even longer, before you start seeing significant results. This is because Google needs time to crawl and index your website, and to understand what your website is about and what keywords it should rank for.

If you’re targeting highly competitive keywords, such as “best running shoes” or “weight loss tips,” it will be more difficult to rank high in search results. This is because many other websites are also targeting these keywords, and they may have more authority and resources than you. If you’re targeting high-competition keywords, you may need to use other SEO strategies, such as content marketing and link building, to improve your chances of ranking.

SEO can take some time to generate a return on investment. You may not see results immediately after you start optimizing your website for SEO. This is because it takes time for Google to crawl and index your website, and for your website to start ranking for relevant keywords. In addition, Google’s algorithm is constantly changing, so you need to make sure that your website is always optimized for the latest updates. This can be a challenge, and it can take some time to see the results of your SEO efforts.

There’s no guarantee that SEO will work for your website. The success of SEO depends on a variety of factors, including the quality of your website content, the competitiveness of your keywords, the ever-changing Google algorithm, and even the luck of the draw. However, if you follow best practices and invest time and effort into SEO, you’re more likely to see success.

SEO is an ongoing process. You need to constantly monitor your website’s ranking in search results and make changes as needed. This is because the Google algorithm is constantly changing, and you need to make sure that your website is always optimized for the latest updates. In addition, you need to be aware of your competitor’s SEO strategies and make sure that you’re doing everything you can to stay ahead of the curve.

If you use black hat SEO practices, such as keyword stuffing or cloaking, Google will penalize your website and you could lose your ranking in search results. This can be a very costly mistake, so it’s important to avoid black hat SEO practices. Black hat SEO practices may seem like a shortcut to success, but they’re not worth the risk.

SEO can be more expensive than other forms of marketing, such as social media marketing or email marketing, especially at the beginning. This is because you may need to invest in SEO tools and services, and you may need to hire an SEO expert to help you optimize your website. However, the long-term benefits of SEO can outweigh the initial investment. Once your website is optimized for SEO, you can start to see a steady stream of traffic from search engines, which can lead to more leads, sales, and revenue for your business.

Final Thoughts

SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, but it can be a very effective way to improve the visibility and ranking of your website in search engine results pages. Suppose you’re serious about growing your business online. Before getting your steps into SEO, remember that success in the digital landscape requires a balanced approach, much like the blend of direct and organic traffic. Both have their strengths and nurturing both can lead to the thriving website you desire.

If you’re eager to start with the ever-evolving world of SEO and web traffic, we’re here to help. I am Sairam Iyengar, the founder of By Value Money (BVM), We are a team of passionate SEO guys who can scale your SEO to the next level with topical authority.

Take the next step in boosting your website’s performance by reaching out to me at my email address: Let’s get onto this digital journey together and explore the boundless possibilities of SEO.

P.S. Together, we can unlock the full potential of your website’s online presence.

Originally published at Top 7 Pros & Cons Of SEO For Beginners on October 3, 2023.

