A Coding Bootcamp Gave Me Career Direction

I believe that Código Ecuador will start a movement that will encourage and inspire youth and women to take control of their future

Pitchsinee Veerakajorn
Código Ecuador
3 min readNov 17, 2019


College student backpack, a notebook with writing, a ruler, and a laptop covered in stickers on a brown, wooden table.
Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

Let’s face it: My college years were a series of mistakes centered around my inability to face my fear of being outside of my comfort zone. I‘ll be honest with you and say that I’m one of those people who liked to stick to what I know in college. If only I had been more adventurous, I would have discovered how much I like web development sooner.

I stuck to the people who were close to me in high school, ate a lot of the food I already know, and was dead set in my dream of beginning a career as a surgeon with golden hands.

Of course, as any story goes, things popped up: beautiful things that I didn’t expect, like how I got my first taste of coding.

Coding opened my mind to new possibilities

It was in a statistics class later in my college years that I was introduced to R Studio and saw its potential with data visualization. From there, I joined HackCville, a coding bootcamp that teaches people in the community technical skills like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The organization exposed me to the beautiful world of computer programming and changed my mind about my career goals.

Now, as someone who has gotten a chance to delve deeper into coding within the last few months, I can’t imagine a world where I hadn’t been introduced to web development. Through coding, I have met a broad spectrum of people and learned new skills and life lessons like how to work in a team.

I’m incredibly grateful for these people, and I hope to give the same experience to those who don’t have access. Nonetheless, I wished I had gained more exposure to coding through a coding bootcamp at an earlier time.

Its impact on my life and the movement that the organization will start in the community is why I am excited to take part in Código Ecuador.

Nonprofit technology education will promote self-discovery

Código Ecuador is an organization on a mission to help youths and women realize their potential in the field of technology. As a part of this organization, I can support others to discover themselves, preferably without all the hoops I went through.

In today’s tech scene, coding has become one of the most sought-after skills. Through Código Ecuador, youths and women will be able to explore the technology field with more support and fewer risks. They will have the opportunity to have a look at what could potentially be their future occupations.

I believe that Código Ecuador will start a movement that will encourage and inspire youths and women to take control of their future. These skills will allow them to not only better themselves, but their family, community, and nation.

Read more about the global potential of nonprofit coding camps

