C.A.R.E. : Conversations about Racial Equity [PREZI]

The C.A.R.E. (Conversations about Racial Equity) Report is a reflection of a big, difficult, and ultimately remarkable year in Living Cities’ history. Staff individually, as well as the organization as a whole, have been working deliberately and with ongoing dedication in the last fiscal year and beyond to build our racial equity competencies. What competency building requires is a variety of exploration — of the root causes of our country’s biggest problems; of how racism shows up interpersonally, organizationally and systemically; of our blind spots and biases, and much more. This work, which is an ongoing process, is in service of personal and professional growth and with a focus on the results we want to see in the world: that all people in U.S. cities are economically secure and building wealth.

To start, click the front and back arrows at the bottom of the presentation to navigate to each staff member’s contribution, or select the icons in each practice area. You can also return to a practice area by clicking the return arrow at the bottom left side of your screen. If you’re having issues, it’s best to continue clicking the front arrow to advance.

We know that the work is a journey, one that exists in our hearts and in our minds, but that’s also apparent in conversations on office white boards, in intranet posts, on post-it notes and in email chains. We wanted to show these conversations, and the struggle and progress they represent, in this report.

More specifically, we want to show you, our readers, our individual racial equity journeys and how they’ve shown up in our work and the work of Living Cities broadly. We want people to understand the conflict and the iteration that goes into building an anti-racist practice and how that presents itself internally and externally. We want to demonstrate that organizations can’t meet their goals without building their racial equity competencies, and that starts with a lot of hard conversations.

The journeys represented in this report are oriented around CompassPoint’s Centering Racial Equity framework. In each practice area of the framework, you’ll find a short video from Chief Operations Officer Elodie Baquerot and Associate Director of Learning and Equity Nadia Owusu, explaining how Living Cities has incorporated CompassPoint’s framework into the task of operationalizing racial equity.

If you are unable to view the Prezi on your mobile device, please visit bit.ly/CARE4Results.



Living Cities
C.A.R.E.: Conversations about Racial Equity

A collaborative of foundations & financial institutions working to close racial gaps, so people in U.S. cities are economically secure & building wealth.