Gamedev Log: “The Escape” #3 (Unity/C#)

A daily log of how I program a basic Unity/C# game: “The Escape”!

Mina Pêcheux
.Net Programming
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2021


⬅️ Gamedev Log: “The Escape” #2 |TOC |Gamedev Log: “The Escape” #4 ➡️

The past few days, I started posting my gamedev log on a small Unity/C# game: The Escape.

During day #1 and day #2, I implemented fundamental game mechanics: endless object spawning, basic player movement, a simple UI with the score and health… Today, let’s swap our primitives for some custom-made meshes!

Project rules:

  1. I post a new gamedev log every day with a new demo video
  2. I work 1 hour max per day on this project
  3. I need to have a new visual feature by the end of this 1 hour (it can’t be just bug fix and refactors)

Day #3: Importing 3D models, randomising the instances…

Features & demo

This third day was all about improving the visuals! During this session, I prepared and imported a few models from Blender for the spaceship and the walls.

  • I actually made the spaceship a few days ago as a 30-minutes Blender challenge; here’s a timelapse of how I modelled it:



Mina Pêcheux
.Net Programming

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)