My C# articles!

A curated list of all my C# tips and tricks :)

Mina Pêcheux
C# Programming


C# is a really powerful programming language that allows both for object-oriented and functional programming. Inspired by C++ and Java, it is developed and maintained by Microsoft (since 2002) and has gradually incorporated lots of useful features.

I’ve personally discovered this language while using Unity, the famous game engine, because it’s one of the two core languages that you can use to program in this framework (along with Javascript).

Over the years, I’ve accumulated various code snippets, gotchas and tips & tricks — so here they are!

I hope they’ll be useful to you, enjoy :)

List of articles

  1. Discovering generics in C#
  2. The “float or double” dilemma
  3. Some util C# snippets of code
  4. The power of C# delegates
  5. The power of C# events for system decoupling!
  6. How to use C# events to decouple systems
  7. The power of C# regex
  8. The power of the C# Linq lib!
  9. Extend your C# objects with custom methods seamlessly!
  10. Using C# preprocessor directives for conditional compiling



Mina Pêcheux
C# Programming

I’m a freelance full-stack web & game developer. I’m passionate about topics like CGI, music, data science and more! Find me at: :)