The Flames Love Percentage Game in C#

Sukhpinder Singh | C# .Net
.Net Programming
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2023


This classic game is a fun way to calculate your love percentage with your partner, crush, or someone you’re interested in. This article will show you how to create a Flames Love Percentage Game using C#.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

Introduction to the Flames Game

The Flames Love Percentage Game is based on the acronym FLAMES, which stands for Friends, Lovers, Affectionate, Marriage, Enemies, and Siblings. In the game, the letters in the word “FLAMES” are used to determine the relationship between two people. Here’s how it works:

  1. Write down your name and your partner’s name.
  2. Cross out all the letters that appear in both names.
  3. Count the remaining letters.
  4. Starting with “F”, count up to the number of remaining letters.
  5. When you reach the letter, cross it out and return to “F”.
  6. Continue counting and crossing out letters until only one letter remains.
  7. The letter that remains is the result of your Flames game.

Result letter meaning

  • F — Friends
  • L — Lovers
  • A — Affectionate
  • M — Marriage
  • E — Enemies



Sukhpinder Singh | C# .Net
.Net Programming

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