10 Undiscovered Tools for .NET Developers

Beyond the Surface

Abnoan Muniz
.Net Programming
18 min readJul 23, 2023


If you’re a .NET developer, you likely have experience with familiar tools like EntityFramework, Dapper, MediatR, xUnit, and other popular options. However, it’s essential to know numerous other tools that can significantly enhance your coding speed, improve work quality, and simplify your daily tasks. This article delves into 10 lesser-known yet invaluable resources that every .NET developer should be acquainted with. Let’s explore these hidden gems and unlock their potential for your development endeavors.

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It is a lightweight, fully managed, and entirely written in C# database, encapsulated neatly within a single DLL. No need to fuss around with external libraries or intricate setups — you drop it into your project and start rocking the database world!

Installation Made Easy

Worried about time-consuming installations? Fear not! Getting LiteDB up and running is a breeze. All you need to do is install the NuGet package:

Install-Package LiteDB

Create and Connect

Want to create a new database or connect to an existing one? Check out how straightforward it is with LiteDB:

using LiteDB;

// Create or open the database
using (var db = new LiteDatabase("MyDatabase.db"))
// Get a collection (or create it if not exist)
var collection = db.GetCollection<Customer>("customers");

// Insert a new customer document
var customer = new Customer
Id = 1,
Name = "John Doe",
Age = 30,
IsActive = true


// Index document using a document property
collection.EnsureIndex(x => x.Name);

Data Model Flexibility

LiteDB offers the flexibility to store data in a schematic manner, making it perfect for prototyping and small projects. Embrace NoSQL's dynamic nature while enjoying a serverless database's simplicity.

Querying with Style

Retrieve data like a boss with LiteDB’s querying prowess. Whether you prefer LINQ or SQL-like syntax, LiteDB has got your back:

// Using LINQ
var results = collection.Find(x => x.Age > 25);

// Using SQL-like syntax
var sqlResults = collection.Find("Age > 25");

Batteries Not Required

Being a serverless database means you can wave goodbye to complex setups and the need for an external server. LiteDB operates directly on disk, making it a portable and efficient solution for your local database needs.

Document and Collection Transactions

Stay in control of your data with LiteDB’s support for ACID transactions. Whether you’re working with single documents or entire collections, you can rest assured that your data is safe and consistent.

using (var trans = db.BeginTrans())
// Perform your data manipulations here

// Commit the transaction

Security? Checked!

We know you care about security, and LiteDB takes it seriously too! Your database file can be encrypted, ensuring that your sensitive data remains safe and sound.

// Set a password to encrypt the entire database

Open-Source Love

LiteDB is a freely available project that benefits from an enthusiastic community of developers who are eager to make valuable contributions. If you possess creative ideas or aspire to enhance this exceptional tool further, don’t hesitate to get involved and become a part of this vibrant community!

Parting Words

With LiteDB, you have the convenience of a serverless database right at your fingertips. It’s fast, simple, and perfect for those small-scale .NET projects where you don’t want the overhead of a full-fledged database server. So what are you waiting for? Grab LiteDB, embrace its power.


It is like having a trusty sidekick for handling all your OpenID and OAuth needs. It’s a C# implementation of these powerful protocols, allowing you to seamlessly integrate them into your .NET projects without breaking a sweat. No more wrestling with complex flows or dealing with the nitty-gritty details — DotNetOpenAuth does the heavy lifting for you!

Authentication Made Easy

Whether you offer your users a choice of OpenID providers or enable them to log in through popular platforms like Google, Facebook, or Twitter using OAuth, DotNetOpenAuth has your back.

Getting Started — OpenID

Implementing OpenID with DotNetOpenAuth is a breeze. Let’s take a quick look at how simple it is to get started:

using DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId;
using DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty;

var openid = new OpenIdRelyingParty();

// The URL of the OpenID provider
var providerUrl = "https://www.example.com/openid";

// Create the request and redirect the user to the provider for authentication
var request = openid.CreateRequest(providerUrl);

Integrating OAuth Providers

Wish to add some OAuth flavor to your app? No problem! DotNetOpenAuth supports a variety of OAuth providers, including the big guns like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Let’s see how simple it is to initiate the OAuth dance:

using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth;

// Create an OAuth Consumer object
var consumer = new WebConsumer(OAuthServiceProvider.Description, myConsumerTokenManager);

// The URL of the service provider's request token endpoint
var requestTokenUri = new Uri("https://www.example.com/oauth/request_token");

// Obtain a request token from the service provider
var requestToken = consumer.RequestUserAuthorization();

// Redirect the user to the service provider's authorization page
consumer.Channel.Send(consumer.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization(requestToken, null, null));

Security You Can Trust

DotNetOpenAuth has been created with a focus on adhering to the most up-to-date security standards, ensuring that your users’ authentication and authorization data are treated with the highest level of caution, providing you with a sense of assurance.

Open-Source Awesomeness

One of the best parts about DotNetOpenAuth? It’s open-source! You can dig into the source code, suggest improvements, or even contribute your own enhancements to make this fantastic tool even better.

Parting Words

With DotNetOpenAuth in your toolkit, you can breeze through the implementation of OpenID and OAuth in your projects. Say goodbye to the headache of figuring out these protocols on your own and embrace the simplicity and power of DotNetOpenAuth. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and level up your authentication and authorization game.

To get started with DotNetOpenAuth, visit their website.


Say hello to DryIoc, the simple, fast, and all-sufficient Dependency Injection (DI) container that will revolutionize how you manage dependencies in your .NET projects. If you’re tired of wrestling with complicated DI frameworks or feeling overwhelmed by heavy containers, DryIoc is here to rescue you!

Why Choose DryIoc?

DryIoc is like a superhero among DI containers. It’s lightweight, lightning-fast, and incredibly easy to use. With DryIoc, you get all the power you need without any unnecessary overhead. No more drowning in a sea of confusing configuration files or getting lost in a maze of documentation — DryIoc is straightforward and efficient, just the way it should be!

Supercharged Performance

Need speed? DryIoc is your go-to companion. It boasts impressive performance, making it one of the fastest DI containers out there. Say goodbye to sluggish application startup times and embrace the lightning speed of DryIoc.

Installation in a Snap

Getting DryIoc up and running is as easy as pie. No elaborate setup rituals — just install the NuGet package, and you’re good to go:

Install-Package DryIoc

Simple and Intuitive Usage

DryIoc prides itself on its intuitive API. Let’s take a look at how effortless it is to register and resolve dependencies:

using DryIoc;

// Create the container
var container = new Container();

// Register a service and its implementation
container.Register<ICoffeeMaker, EspressoMachine>();

// Resolve the service
var coffeeMaker = container.Resolve<ICoffeeMaker>();

Constructor Injection, anyone?

With DryIoc, constructor injection becomes a piece of cake. Just define your classes with the desired dependencies, and DryIoc will take care of the rest:

public class EspressoMachine : ICoffeeMaker
private readonly IWaterSource _waterSource;
private readonly IBeanGrinder _beanGrinder;

public EspressoMachine(IWaterSource waterSource, IBeanGrinder beanGrinder)
_waterSource = waterSource;
_beanGrinder = beanGrinder;

// ... Implementation of ICoffeeMaker methods ...

Flexibility at its Finest

DryIoc supports various dependency resolution scenarios, including named and keyed services, generics, decorators, and even open generics. Rest assured, whatever your requirements, DryIoc has a solution for you.

Lifespan Management

Managing the lifespan of your objects is a breeze with DryIoc. Choose between transient, singleton, and scoped lifetimes, and DryIoc will handle the rest:

container.Register<IService, MyService>(Reuse.Singleton);

Open-Source and Community-Driven

DryIoc is an open-source initiative that boasts an engaged and inclusive community. Whether you have inquiries, innovative ideas, or a desire to contribute, the community is readily available to provide support and assistance.

Parting Words

With DryIoc, you get a DI container that perfectly balances simplicity and power. It’s fast, flexible, and here to make your life as a .NET developer a whole lot easier. So don’t hesitate — embrace the efficiency of DryIoc and level up your dependency injection game!

To get started with DryIoc, check out their GitHub repository.


It is like having a wizard by your side, empowering you to build reactive, model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) based applications effortlessly. Whether you’re working on desktop, mobile, or web apps, ReactiveUI has got you covered. With a powerful combination of reactive programming and MVVM, you’ll experience a whole new level of elegance and responsiveness in your .NET projects.

Reactive Programming Simplified

ReactiveUI revolves around the concept of reactive programming, where changes in data are propagated automatically, unleashing a chain reaction of events that effortlessly keep your UI in sync with your data. It’s like magic, but it’s real and spectacular!

Getting Started

To get started with ReactiveUI, all you need to do is install the NuGet package into your project:

Install-Package ReactiveUI

Now, let’s take a sneak peek at the magic ReactiveUI brings to the table.

Reactive Data Binding

Data binding is where the magic of ReactiveUI truly shines. Imagine effortlessly binding your properties, commands, and even entire collections to your user interface. ReactiveUI handles the subscriptions and updates behind the scenes, so you don’t have to worry about boilerplate code:

// Define a reactive property
private string _userName;
public string UserName
get => _userName;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _userName, value);

// Bind the property to a UI element
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.UserName)
.BindTo(this, x => x.UserNameLabel.Text);

Reactive Commands

Commands in ReactiveUI are a joy to work with. They are composable and can automatically disable or enable UI elements based on their execution status. Say goodbye to spaghetti code and embrace the beauty of reactive commands:

// Define a reactive command
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> SubmitCommand { get; }

// Initialize the command with its functionality
SubmitCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
// Perform the submission logic here

// Bind the command to a UI element
SubmitButton.Command = SubmitCommand;

Platform-Agnostic Goodness

Whether you’re building a WPF, Xamarin, or Blazor application, ReactiveUI stays true to its promise of being platform-agnostic. Write your code once and enjoy the reactivity across all .NET platforms.

Open-Source Heart

ReactiveUI is an open-source project, pulsating with community contributions and support. You’ll find an active community always ready to help you make the most of this fantastic framework.

Parting Words

With ReactiveUI, you unlock the potential of functional reactive programming and MVVM in your .NET applications. Say hello to responsiveness, elegance, and a whole lot of fun in your coding journey. So, don’t wait — unleash the magic of ReactiveUI in your projects and watch your user interfaces come to life like never before! 🚀

To explore more about ReactiveUI, check out their website,
And visit their GitHub repository for the latest updates.


CefSharp is not your run-of-the-mill web browser control. It’s a superhero that brings the entire Chromium browsing experience into your .NET playground. With CefSharp, you can create rich and interactive web-enabled applications without breaking a sweat. Embrace the power of modern web technologies in your .NET projects, and get ready to take your users on a remarkable browsing journey.

Easy Installation and Setup

Getting started with CefSharp is a breeze. Simply install the NuGet package and let the magic unfold:

Install-Package CefSharp.WinForms

Harnessing the Chromium Web Browser

CefSharp empowers you to embed a full-fledged Chromium browser within your .NET app’s UI. Say goodbye to those old-school, basic web browser controls. With CefSharp, you’re bringing the real deal into the house:

using CefSharp;
using CefSharp.WinForms;

// Create the ChromiumWebBrowser control
var chromiumBrowser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("https://www.example.com");

// Add it to your UI controls

// Voilà! Your .NET app now has the power of Chromium!

Web Integration, Redefined

CefSharp takes web integration to a whole new level. It allows you to execute JavaScript, access DOM elements, handle browser events, and even take screenshots of web pages programmatically. Embrace the limitless possibilities of a full-featured web browser right within your application.

Lightweight and Efficient

Don’t be fooled by its powerful capabilities — CefSharp is surprisingly lightweight and resource-efficient. It won’t hog your system resources, ensuring that your app remains responsive and snappy.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

With CefSharp, you get cross-platform support, allowing your .NET app to work seamlessly on various platforms. Whether it’s Windows, macOS, or Linux, CefSharp has got you covered.

Open-Source Community Love

CefSharp is an open-source project that benefits from a lively community of developers. Should you have any questions or require assistance, you can count on the community’s readiness to offer a helping hand and share their valuable knowledge.

Parting Words

With CefSharp, you’re not just embedding a web browser control — you’re empowering your .NET app with the full capabilities of Chromium. Say farewell to limited web experiences and embrace the world of modern web technologies right within your application. So, why wait? Take the leap, integrate CefSharp, and let your .NET app surf the web like never before!

To explore more about CefSharp, visit their website:
And don’t forget to check out their GitHub repository for the latest updates


Excel spreadsheets — they’ve been around forever, and they’re not going anywhere. But fear not, dear developer! Say hello to EPPlus, your trusty sidekick for easily conquering Excel manipulation tasks. This amazing .NET library lets you read and write Excel files using the Office Open XML format, making Excel interactions a breeze!

What is EPPlus?

EPPlus is like a magic wand for manipulating Excel in your .NET projects. Whether you need to create dynamic reports, import data from external sources, or export your data into Excel files, EPPlus has got your back. No more fiddling with cumbersome Interop libraries or dealing with the limitations of older Excel formats — EPPlus is here to make your life as a .NET developer much smoother!

Simple Installation

Getting started with EPPlus is a piece of cake. Just install the NuGet package, and you’re ready to roll:

Install-Package EPPlus

Excel Manipulation Made Easy

With EPPlus in your toolkit, Excel manipulation becomes a walk in the park. Whether you want to read data from an existing Excel file or create a brand new spreadsheet from scratch, EPPlus has intuitive methods to get you started:

using OfficeOpenXml;

// Create a new Excel package
using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
// Add a new worksheet to the package
var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("MySheet");

// Write data to the worksheet
worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "Hello, EPPlus!";

// Save the package to a file
package.SaveAs(new FileInfo("MyExcelFile.xlsx"));

Data Manipulation Superpowers

EPPlus lets you effortlessly read and write data to Excel cells. You can format cells, merge them, apply styling, and even create charts, all with a few lines of code:

// Accessing cell data
var cellValue = worksheet.Cells["B2"].Value;

// Applying cell formatting
worksheet.Cells["C3"].Style.Font.Bold = true;

Formula Support

Need to handle complex calculations in Excel? EPPlus has your back with formula support. You can write and evaluate Excel formulas programmatically:

worksheet.Cells["D4"].Formula = "SUM(D2:D3)";

Efficient Performance

EPPlus is designed with performance in mind. It uses a highly optimized approach to handle large Excel files, ensuring your operations are as swift as possible.

Open-Source Awesomeness

EPPlus is an open-source library, and its codebase is constantly evolving with the help of a supportive community. You can contribute or dive into the source code to understand the magic behind this incredible tool.

Parting Words

With EPPlus, you wield the power to create, modify, and analyze Excel files with ease. Say goodbye to Excel manipulation headaches and hello to a seamless .NET Excel experience. So why wait? Embrace the power of EPPlus and become an Excel magician in your .NET projects!

To explore more about EPPlus, visit their website
And check out their GitHub repository for the latest updates


Are you tired of chasing elusive bugs and trying to decipher unclear requirements? Say hello to SpecFlow, the superhero tool that brings the power of Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) to your .NET projects. With SpecFlow, you can confidently tackle those requirements head-on and make testing a breeze!

What is SpecFlow?

SpecFlow is like having a wise mentor by your side, guiding you through the realms of ATDD and BDD pragmatically and frictionlessly. It enables you to write your test scenarios using plain language, making them easily readable by both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Say goodbye to the confusion and ambiguity and welcome crystal-clear requirements and automated tests!

Simple Setup and Integration

Getting started with SpecFlow is a breeze. Install the SpecFlow NuGet package, and you’re all set to create your first feature file:

Install-Package SpecFlow

Writing Feature Files — The Magic Language

Feature files in SpecFlow are where the magic happens. Write your test scenarios in Gherkin — a human-readable, domain-specific language that makes your test cases a pleasure to read and understand:

Feature: Calculator
In order to avoid mistakes
As a math idiot
I want to be told the sum of two numbers

Scenario: Add two numbers
Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
And I have entered 70 into the calculator
When I press add
Then the result should be 120 on the screen

Gherkin is a domain-specific language designed for writing human-readable test scenarios. It is a key component of Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD). With Gherkin, teams can express requirements in a simple and structured format using plain language. This approach fosters clear communication between technical and non-technical stakeholders, ensuring a shared understanding of the software’s behavior. By writing Gherkin scenarios, teams can create living documentation that serves as executable tests, leading to more reliable and maintainable software.

Step Definitions — Code That Speaks Gherkin

Now, it’s time to convert those human-readable scenarios into executable code. Write your step definitions in C# to bind the Gherkin steps to your application code:

public class CalculatorSteps
private int _result;
private readonly Calculator _calculator;

public CalculatorSteps()
_calculator = new Calculator();

[Given(@"I have entered (.*) into the calculator")]
public void GivenIHaveEnteredIntoTheCalculator(int number)

[When(@"I press add")]
public void WhenIPressAdd()
_result = _calculator.Add();

[Then(@"the result should be (.*) on the screen")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBeOnTheScreen(int expected)
Assert.AreEqual(expected, _result);

Integration with Visual Studio

SpecFlow integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio, providing a feature-rich experience for writing, running, and debugging your test scenarios. Install the SpecFlow extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace for added goodness:

SpecFlow for Visual Studio Extension

Living Documentation

SpecFlow generates living documentation, keeping your feature files in sync with your application code. It becomes a powerful communication tool between developers, testers, and stakeholders, fostering a shared understanding of your application’s behavior.

Open-Source Collaboration

SpecFlow is an open-source project, benefiting from a vibrant community of contributors. You can join in the fun, participate, or suggest improvements to make SpecFlow even more fantastic!

Parting Words

With SpecFlow in your .NET toolkit, you gain clarity in requirements, automated tests that make sense, and a collaborative workflow that leads to successful projects. So don’t wait — embrace SpecFlow’s ATDD and BDD magic and watch your .NET projects thrive! 🚀

To explore more about SpecFlow, visit their documentation
And for Visual Studio integration, get the SpecFlow extension here.


This tool is like a magic wand for .NET developers who want to conquer the complexities of distributed systems and event-driven architectures. It’s a port of the Akka toolkit for the JVM, revamped and optimized for the .NET ecosystem. With Akka.NET, you can create scalable and responsive applications that handle a massive number of concurrent tasks without breaking a sweat.

Simple but Powerful Actors

At the heart of Akka.NET lies the concept of actors. These are small, lightweight, and independent entities that communicate with each other by passing messages. Think of them as tiny superheroes that perform specific tasks and collaborate harmoniously to achieve powerful results:

using Akka.Actor;

// Create an actor system
var system = ActorSystem.Create("MyActorSystem");

// Create an actor
var myActor = system.ActorOf<MyActor>("myActor");

// Send a message to the actor
myActor.Tell("Hello, Akka.NET!");

Concurrent Conquerors

Akka.NET is built to handle concurrent challenges like a boss. Its architecture ensures that actors can run concurrently, maximizing your application’s performance and responsiveness. Embrace the power of parallelism, and let Akka.NET manage the complexities behind the scenes:

public class MyActor : ReceiveActor
public MyActor()
Receive<string>(message =>
// Perform some concurrent magic here

Supervision and Fault-Tolerance

In the world of distributed systems, failures are inevitable. But fear not, for Akka.NET comes to the rescue with built-in fault-tolerance mechanisms. With Akka.NET’s supervision strategies, actors can automatically recover from failures, ensuring your application remains resilient and reliable.

Distributed Delights

Akka.NET thrives in distributed environments. It can seamlessly handle communication between actors residing on different nodes, making it a perfect fit for distributed systems and cloud-native applications.

Open-Source Collaboration

Akka.NET is an open-source project that benefits from the active involvement of a dynamic community of developers.

Parting Words

With Akka.NET in your .NET arsenal, you can conquer the world of concurrency, distributed systems, and fault-tolerant event-driven architectures. Embrace the power of actors, wield the magic of fault-tolerance, and build applications that scale effortlessly. So why wait? Dive into the world of Akka.NET and watch your .NET projects transform into highly concurrent marvels!

To explore more about Akka.NET, visit their website


ELMAH, short for Error Logging Modules and Handlers, is your superhero tool to capture and manage errors like a pro. Say goodbye to mystery bugs and hello to a smoother debugging experience in your .NET projects!

What is ELMAH?

ELMAH is like the vigilant guardian of your ASP.NET applications, constantly on the lookout for errors and exceptions. It’s a powerful logging library that seamlessly integrates with your ASP.NET app to capture errors and store them in various sources, making it easy to identify and troubleshoot issues.

Simple Setup, Instant Insights

Getting ELMAH up and running is a piece of cake. Install the NuGet package, and you’re good to go:

Install-Package Elmah

Once installed, ELMAH automatically starts tracking and logging unhandled exceptions in your application. It’s like having a silent watcher in the shadows, always ready to report any errors that arise.

User-Friendly Web Interface

They comes with a sleek and user-friendly web interface that provides a comprehensive view of all captured errors. Navigate through the logs, view detailed error reports, and even search for specific errors with ease:

Customizable Error Sources

Doesn’t stop at just logging exceptions. It also gives you the power to customize where those logs are stored. Whether you prefer a SQL database, XML files, or even email notifications, ELMAH has you covered.

Pluggable and Extensible

ELMAH is highly pluggable and extensible, allowing you to integrate it with other logging frameworks or extend its functionality to fit your specific needs.

Open-Source Community Love

ELMAH is an open-source project that enjoys strong backing from a passionate community of developers. If you encounter any challenges or have ideas for enhancements, rest assured that the community is always available and eager to provide assistance and support.

Parting Words

With ELMAH in your ASP.NET toolkit, you can wave goodbye to the headache of tracking down elusive bugs and errors. Say hello to efficient error logging, detailed insights, and a smoother debugging experience. So why wait? Let ELMAH become your error-fighting sidekick, and watch your ASP.NET applications soar to new heights of stability and reliability!

To explore more about ELMAH, visit their website
And check out their GitHub repository for the latest updates.


This tool is like a wizard wordsmith, ready to conjure powerful templates with the elegance of Razor syntax. Built upon Microsoft’s Razor parsing engine, RazorEngine empowers you to mix code and content effortlessly. It’s like having a storytelling sorcerer by your side, weaving dynamic tales in your applications.

Simple Installation, Magical Transformation

Getting started with RazorEngine is a breeze. Install the NuGet package, and your text transformation woes will vanish like magic:

Install-Package RazorEngine

Writing Dynamic Templates

With RazorEngine, your templates become dynamic, making it easy to customize content with C# expressions:

using RazorEngine.Templating;

// Define your template
string template = "Hello @Model.Name, welcome to RazorEngine!";

// Create a model
var model = new { Name = "John" };

// Render the template
string result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, "templateKey", null, model);

Mixing Code and Content

Razor syntax allows you to mix code and content seamlessly. Expressions, loops, conditions — you name it, RazorEngine handles it all with grace:

string template = @"
@foreach (var item in Model.Items)

var model = new { Items = new List<string> { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry" } };
string result = Engine.Razor.RunCompile(template, "templateKey", null, model);

Customizable and Extensible

RazorEngine is highly customizable. You can use custom template managers, custom base classes, and even plug in your own template resolver. The possibilities are endless, just like a true magic spellbook!

Open-Source Wizardry

RazorEngine is an open-source project fueled by an energetic community of developers. It offers you the opportunity to contribute, gain insights from the collective wisdom of others, and experience the wonders of collaboration in action.

Parting Words

With RazorEngine as your templating sorcerer, you have the power to generate dynamic and expressive content in your .NET applications. Say goodbye to dull and static text and welcome the allure of dynamic templates. So, don your magician’s robe, embrace the Razor syntax, and watch your .NET projects come to life with the magic of RazorEngine! 🧙‍♂️

To explore more about RazorEngine, visit their website

Unveil the Hidden Gems for Your .NET Projects!

There you have it — a dazzling collection of undiscovered tools for .NET developers! From LiteDB’s serverless database brilliance to the dynamic magic of RazorEngine, these tools are ready to take your .NET development to new heights. Embrace the power of ReactiveUI’s functional reactive programming, conquer Excel manipulation with EPPlus, and unlock the potential of Akka.NET’s concurrent marvels.

But the journey doesn’t end here! Dive into SpecFlow’s ATDD and BDD realm, empower your apps with CefSharp’s Chromium goodness, and keep an eagle-eye on errors with ELMAH’s vigilant logging. And let’s not forget about the pragmatic ease of DryIoc’s dependency injection or the collaborative might of Gherkin’s human-readable scenarios.

So, fellow .NET developers, it’s time to explore, experiment, and wield these gems in your projects. Unleash their potential, and watch your .NET creations shine with the brilliance of these undiscovered tools. Happy coding!

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Abnoan Muniz
.Net Programming

Senior .NET Developer, Passionate about problem-solving. Support me: https://ko-fi.com/abnoanmuniz, Get in touch: linktr.ee/AbnoanM