Another World

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

Say something about yourself?

Hi, my name is Chakrit Leelachupong. I graduated with a degree in marketing but fell in love with photography. Currently I am working as a photographer for a band called greasy café.

What is this series?

This series is called ‘Another World’. Most Thai people grow up with mysterious things and also ghost movies, of course, me included. So this series is about my thoughts and my imagination when I stay alone in the dark in some situation.

How/When did you start this series?

‘Another World’ is a project that was adapted and created upon my previous project called ‘White Wall’. I worked on It on late last year when I participated in Angkor Photo Workshop.

What message do you want to tell the audience?

“Here, on this empty road of silence, the feeling that I am being watched is so tense. Am I in a lucid dream? or is there a parallel universe that I have overlooked all this time”.

Any news or updates?

I hope this series could spread to many groups of audiences and not just only my circle of friends. Also, I am working toward releasing a new photography book within this year that will reflect what I have seen and experienced during my photographic career while on tour with greasy café’s concert. Lastly, I hope someone would invite me to join or set up an exhibition since it has been a while. :)

Chakrit Leelachupong
Born in 1988. Loves movie, music, concert, beer and loves to travel. I am practicing my English and look forward to continue my study in photography but first of all I hope that I will be granted my visa. :)

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