Apples and Oranges

Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2019

Many things or even situations are often in a comparison process, where both, common points and differences arise between them. The expression “Apples and Oranges” initially refers to the apparent differences between two or more objects that make them totally incomparable. However, with a more careful reading, common elements can also be recognized and the comparison is finally possible. Considering all the above, i decided to use this idiom as a title for my project. I tried to put images in pairs that, while at first look seem dissimilar, when you look them closely, they can stand as a diptych. This is happen when some common and formalistic mainly elements, make a powerful conversation between those images.

Makis Makris
I was born and i live in the city of Kavala, Greece. I am a graduate of the Hellenic Open University in the direction of “Studies in Greek Civilization”, as well as a holder of a degree in Interior Decorations.

My first steps into photography were in 2009, when i attended a photographic seminar which organized by the Photoclub of Kavala, of which i am an active member until now.

From January 2017 i also am a member of the BULB Photo Collective (Bucharest Urban League of photographers for the Balkans), which is based in Bucharest, Romania.

I have attended seminars and workshops by prominent photographers such as: Platon Rivellis, Eleni Mouzakiti and Petros Kotzabasis.

In 2018 i was one of the finalists at the Miami Street Photography Festival.I participated in various group photo exhibitions held in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy and USA.

