Life is the Visualisation of a Dream

Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2017

Say something about yourself.

Hello, I’m Kocha Worapon. Sydney-Based Digital Product Designer (UX/UI) & Casual Photographer.

What is this Series?

I have been a foreigner for nearly ten years. By living this different concept of life, I feel the space and time differently.

Life is the Visualisation of a Dream is a photography series that express my first experience of Australia, a place where I still get lost in the cultural transformation. Everything was/is just like a distorted shape of a dream, and my photography functions as an everyday recorder that captures a unique, fragmented, abstract form of memories.

This series has visualised myself into the spot that I can have a better point of view to feel my true self clearly (again).

How/When did you start this series?

In April 2016, I took an online workshop with SPT Thailand. It was a three-month workshop that comes along with the on-going assignments/mentoring from my mentors.

Potentially I start to feel the connection of my work, but I’m not quite sure what I want to say yet. So after the workshop, I decided to start another ongoing project called “52 Weeks.”

Which the idea was very simple; Take a photo every day, seven b+w photographs every week for 52 weeks. And it just because I shoot + develop each roll by hand, so I can only publish one time per week.

Because of an extended period to shooting (will finish on June 25, 2017) and require a lot of consistency, it makes me see the connection more obvious. It like I’m shooting to find something to say not shooting because I have something to say. I’ve discovered that I’d like to talk about my first experience of Australia and the Dream that visualise my nowaday life and it becomes
“Life is the Visualisation of a Dream” project.

What message do you want to tell the audience?

This project was considerably personal. I’m not looking ahead into something else. I’m just trying to look backwards into my true self.

It more about sharing my personal memories/experience with the audience. Also If you look closely to my works, you might notice that I left over some blemish either a film border or some scratch and damage or even not a perfect framing.

I’m just like everyone else. I’m imperfection and making mistaken. However, I strongly believe that imperfection makes me connect with other people..

Any your news update? Exhibition, Book, Life?

This year I was lucky enough to be a part of the HeadON Photo Festival here in Sydney and I’m going to have my 1st solo Exhibition with them called
Life is the Visualisation of a Dream on May 16–21, 2017 Which my official opening is 6pm-9pm, May 18, 2017 at Gauge Gallery, Glebe, Sydney.

It going to be a Photography Hangout with another great photographers/friends who I met accidentally on the street almost everyday, it going to be a nice Thai snack + drink as well as live music and I’m going to opening my zine for this project too.

If you are in Sydney, drop by I will do my best to make your portrait that visualise my dream : )

For more info:

Born and Educations in Bangkok, Thailand.
I’m a Sydney-based Digital Product Designer (UX/UI) and Casual Photographer.

The relationship between me, the product I design and my photography is always in a sync like bass and drum. I’d consider myself as the storyteller who is forever acquiring from life and continually strive learn how to feel.

My name is Kocha Worapon. I’m the Designer.

