With you in the sun

Published in
4 min readSep 2, 2017

Say something about yourself

Hello from Bangkok i’m interested in relationships between flesh and light. And just like every observers I’m still on my exploration of this world not just for studying my surroundings but also my inner self.

What is this series?

the shoreline in this series is called Bang Saray ; an unpoppular petite coast in Chonburi that situated nearby the most forceful fort of Thailand’s royal marine corps in Sattahip. this is the only place that my vestigial memories of father lies remain

by the sea , there’s a nice small bureaucrat welfare resort that my father was inherited from his old man. back in the days when my family still living together he often brought us there to spending times and to flourishing his 80’s masculine Thai male powers to our relatives , he’s that kind of man.

and i was a year old cub back then. Due to my frailness and sensitive organs of vision , the heat from above and the roughness of a sands from below makes the beach’s a very harmful place for me. all details in my memories was vanished out by the brightness of the summer sun so Bang Saray was the place that my father tried to spending his time with me by dragging me into his beach a.k.a. his world. this poignant memories is the only thing that i can recall about him

in 2016 I’ve travel back there. everything’s still the same except the shore. for some reason those harmful light has turned warmer and it’s enveloped me in some ways just like the only embrace from him that i have left. so I started to capture the sceneries of that place , the seascapes , local people and the buildings to re-creates those visual that I’ve once sense 20 years ago as a memorial cenotaph

by the way , those paragraphs makes me feel an impressionist dumb / sorry

How/When did you start this series?

Somewhere between June — July 2016 I’ve just resigned from work back then , it’s a very difficult time and i usually deal with those times by traveling back to my roots and resting I’m quite a kind of a nostalgic person and sometimes also gone far to conservativeness.

What message do you want to tell the audience?

Not quite a messages. I think this series is one of my process of resurrection my own memories alive by re-projecting them in negatives , you know our memories are very similar to negatives , it’s light sensitive and for me our ancient memories weren’t like a roll of incessant stories , they’re clearly distinguish fragments , straying away from each others as a relics of life cycles. deep down beneath our conscious , in the other way this series is my substantial evidence in my process of commemorative those long lost lights.

Any news or updates? Exhibition, book, life?

I’m working on a printing process of mini photo zine that publishing by poop press now; will be finished in September for Bangkok Art book Fair 2017.

Further than that please contact Facebook : Aim Thavornsiri, it’d be nice to have a little conversation with everyone.

I’m talking too much / sorry

Aim Thavornsiri (24 years old)

Freelance Photographer
Bangkok , Thailand
Graduate from Graphic Design department of KMITL

