The War Between Good and Evil

The ultimate guide for picking your side in any ideological battle.

⭐ Chris Globale
13 min readJun 2, 2020
Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

How do you see yourself?

Do you care about other people and their problems?

Or do you only mind your own business and let them mind theirs?

Are you a selfish, egotistical, and narcissistic asshole?

Or are you a self-sacrificing pawn of other people’s interests?

The world can be so easy.

Bad guys on one side, good guys on the other.

Victims here, persecutors there.

Some people care, others are ignorant.

We are right, they are wrong.

We live in a world of cognitive extremes. The middle ground of any topic has become the most dangerous place to be. Propaganda abounds in every corner of the internet, mass media, alternative media, private and public debate.

This is the psychological climate and the context in which we dare to explore an ancient question of philosophy:

“Who is more important, the individual or the group?”

This question surges to the surface with every major global event, conflict, catastrophe, or political development.



⭐ Chris Globale

deconstructing cultural patterns: one experience at a time