Buying Crypto Should Be EASY

C14: Crypto Made Easy
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2022

Today I was scrolling through Instagram and came across an ad for low-carb, high-protein ramen.

Pretty cool right? I thought so too. So here’s what I did…

I clicked the link. Chose my protein (chicken, thanks for asking). Entered my credit card info. And…boom! I had a box of (hopefully) delicious ramen coming straight to my door :)

The whole process took about 2 minutes. It was simple and straightforward — like ALL e-commerce transactions these days. And it got me thinking…

We’ve made buying ramen (and anything on the internet ) incredibly easy.

So then…

Why is it so hard for normal people to buy crypto?

In this post, we’ll discuss why buying crypto is so hard for normal people, and how C14’s seamless fiat <> crypto payment flow can make buying crypto easy for people around the world!

Ok then. Let’s get to it :)

Buying Crypto Is Hard

If you’re a “normal person” (aka non-crypto native) and you’re reading this post, then I first have to ask…

How in the world did you find this blog? Congrats and welcome!

But secondly, I want to say I’m sorry — on behalf of the entire crypto industry. Because up until now, we’ve failed you.

For non-crypto natives, buying the vast majority of crypto or NFTs isn’t just hard, it’s basically impossible. And not hard to see why.

Let’s say you’re a normal person and you get dinner with your favorite crypto-obsessed friend. They tell you about a new layer 2 blockchain that’s gonna change the crypto world as we know it.

You’re not quite sure what half of that means, but you’re convinced and you want to acquire the governance token. There’s just one problem…

You can’t.

Short of your friend buying the coin for you, there’s simply no way a normal person can figure out the steps required to purchase a layer 2 token on-chain. Most will get as far as “first buy ETH on Coinbase” and give up.

But you know what? There’s no reason this should be our reality. And we at C14 refuse to let this continue to be the norm in crypto.

We’ve split the atom. We’ve sent a man to the moon. Surely we can make it easy for normal people to buy crypto?!

Well…we agree. So that’s exactly what we did :)

C14: Easy Fiat <> Crypto Payments (For Everyone)

We launched C14 with one mission: to make it easy for anyone to buy crypto.

We believe in financial freedom and giving everyone the ability to buy what they want. That’s why we’re working to make all crypto assets and NFTs available to the average consumer — not just the few projects that make it onto major exchanges like Binance or Coinbase.

To solve this problem, we built an embeddable widget that any crypto project can use.


Using the C14 widget, anyone in our coverage areas can purchase crypto assets with a credit or debit card. And soon — users will also be able to convert crypto back to cash which directly deposits into their bank account!

Our payment flow can integrate with any type of crypto project — from blockchains and wallets to exchanges and NFT marketplaces! In fact, we believe the optimal value of what we’re building is achieved when our widget is embedded throughout a blockchain ecosystem.

Here’s the truth…

Crypto projects today are built for crypto natives. And that’s great if you love crypto as much as we do. But with this model, the vast majority of potential users are left out, and unable to participate in the market.

C14 fixes this.

In the coming years, we’ll continually improve our product with new payment options and coverage areas until buying crypto is EASY for anyone, anywhere.

If you want to keep up with our journey, or talk to us about YOUR crypto project —check out the links below.






C14: Crypto Made Easy

We make crypto easy. Seamless fiat <> crypto payment flow for any web3 business.