C14: The Future of Fiat-to-Crypto Payment Flow

C14: Crypto Made Easy
Published in
5 min readMay 17, 2022
Look at how happy our cartoon users are! They’re using C14 to seamlessly trade fiat, crypto, and NFTs :)

Before we get into it, let’s get the obvious question out of the way…

“Why are you building another fiat to crypto payment solution? Don’t a bunch of those exist already?”

You’re right.

There are several fiat <> crypto ramps on the market today. And if you run a web3 business, you’re probably familiar with most of them.

But here’s the thing…

Exactly NONE of the current providers are doing enough to meet the needs of both end users AND crypto businesses.

Despite there being numerous on-ramp providers on the market today — a large percentage of crypto assets and ecosystems remain unavailable to the average consumer.

That’s why we’re building something different. Something better. Because if we want crypto to truly reach mass adoption, we need to make buying and selling crypto EASY. Not just for the few projects that get listed on Binance or Coinbase, but for EVERYONE.

In this post, we’ll discuss the problems with current ramp providers — and discover how C14 is building a next-gen payments solution that solves these problems for our partners AND for the end users.

Ok…enough preamble. Let’s jump into it :)

The Problem with Crypto Payments Today

Let’s say you’re a “normal person” and you want to buy some bitcoin.

Not a problem right?

You just log into your Coinbase account, deposit some fiat directly from your bank, and voila! You can easily purchase bitcoin :)

But what about all the other crypto assets?

Let’s say you meet up with your friend — the one who loves crypto. They tell you about an exciting new project that you’d love to be a part of.

You want to buy these assets, but as a normal internet user…

You can’t.

Even if your helpful friend outlined the process for you…

“Go to Coinbase, purchase some ETH, create a MetaMask wallet, send the ETH there, make sure you choose the right network or you lose all your funds, connect your wallet to Uniswap, get the contract for the dog coin from etherscan and paste it into Uniswap (make sure it’s the right one!), ignore the security warning, etc…”

…the vast majority of normal people will give up at step 2 — because for normal people…

Buying crypto is HARD.

Current fiat <> crypto payment ramps claim to solve this issue. But in reality, there are still massive challenges in this evolving market.

As a user of the current ramp providers, here are just some of the problems you’ll often encounter:

  • You’ll be redirected to various 3rd parties for KYC and payment flow, sometimes 2 or more times. During this process you’ll see several brands that you don’t recognize and be asked to trust them with your information.
  • Your transactions will fail with no explanation. You’ll reach out to the project you want to buy (if you can find any contact info), but they can’t help you because they don’t own or operate the payment ramp.
  • You’ll pay excessive fees for EVERY transaction with no explanation of WHY these fees exist.

And the list goes on…

Not only do these issues make buying crypto impossible for most normal people — they also prevent crypto projects from onboarding the vast majority of potential users and reaching true mass adoption!

Simply put…the current payments landscape is failing crypto projects AND their potential users. And that’s exactly why we’re working to change things.

Here’s how we’re building a better fiat <> crypto payments solution :)

C14: Seamless Fiat <> Crypto Flow for ANY Project!

Now that we know what current ramps do wrong, let’s see you how C14 is doing things right :)

Embeddable Payment Flow

We don’t redirect users to any third-party providers. We provide partners with a seamless, embeddable payment flow that can be hosted on any website or dApp.

Once we integrate with a blockchain, our ramp can be embedded into ANY ecosystem project sites or dApps as well — with added support for those tokens/NFTs.

That means that as a C14 partner — not only can you gain a competitive advantage over other blockchains — your ecosystem projects have a built-in advantage as well!

In a world where attracting top-tier developers can make-or-break the success of your network, a seamless and embeddable fiat <> crypto ramp offers a key advantage over your competitors.

Streamlined KYC

No third-party redirects or burdensome hurdles. Users can quickly KYC and purchase crypto in minutes with our all-in-one payment flow.

KYC is done through a few simple entry fields and verified using a back-end partner. Info is securely stored so users can bypass KYC for repeat purchases.

Intuitive UI and Checkout Flow

To be honest, we spend way too much time refining our UI. That’s because we’re obsessed with empowering ANY user to easily navigate our checkout flow.

With our ramp, users know exactly what they need to enter and why. Fees are clearly displayed and fair for all users. And users are assisted in real-time to prevent failed transactions before they happen.

Minimal Branding

Let’s be real. We love our logo. I mean…just look at this amazing 8-bit rocket ship!

But users don’t come to your site or dApp to see our brand. They come because they believe in your project, and they want to buy crypto from YOU!

That’s why our ramp is minimally branded and never redirects users to a third-party interface.

A payment ramp shouldn’t confuse users by showing them 3+ brands to complete a simple fiat <> crypto transaction.

So, while every other ramp tries to force their branding onto unsuspecting users, we offer a minimally branded interface that feels native to your site or dApp :)

Let’s #BUIDL Together!

By now, it should be clear that our goal is to help ANY crypto project reach mass adoption. The only question left is…

How can we help YOU?

If you’re a crypto/web3 project that can benefit from a seamless fiat <> crypto payment flow, let’s talk!

Contact us using any of the options below:




Let’s #BUIDL together :)



C14: Crypto Made Easy

We make crypto easy. Seamless fiat <> crypto payment flow for any web3 business.