Crypto For All: How C14 is Democratizing Access to Digital Assets — and Why That’s Important

C14: Crypto Made Easy
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2022

As I write this, the entire crypto market is in free fall.

Projects that were once hailed as the future of crypto have lost billions in value or literally gone to zero. Once reputable trading platforms are halting withdrawals. And traders who left their jobs to go full-time crypto are fading from the Twitter timeline, posting McDonalds memes and prepping for crypto winter.

To put it bluntly, the crypto market is in major pain.

But it’s not the same pain for everyone. Because while those who held until now are certainly down bad, it’s the casual users — the non crypto natives whose friends told them to download Coinbase at the top of the bull market — those are the people who (percentage-wise) are hurting the most.

And this is a problem. Because for crypto to truly reach global mass adoption, we need normal people to buy and sell crypto on a similar playing field as crypto natives do today.

In this post, we’ll look at how we at C14 are doing our part to democratize access to digital assets, and how this can pave the way for global mass adoption of crypto.

The Problem for Projects and Users

The current reality is this: a relatively small group of crypto natives can onboard into new projects and ecosystems easily, while normal people only have access to a few large-cap crypto assets on major exchanges. Casual users miss out on most of the major gains (and feel losses the most), while new projects have to compete for the same (relatively small) pool of potential users as everyone else.

This is a MAJOR problem that hurts both projects and users alike. But luckily, there is a solution.

We need to democratize access to crypto and allow anyone to become a loyal holder of their favorite project. Not just so normal people can onboard into crypto and work toward financial freedom, but so new projects can easily onboard users around the world who share their vision and goals!

And that’s where things get personal…because one very important aspect of democratizing crypto assets is developing seamless on- and off-ramps for fiat <> crypto flow in markets around the world.

And that’s exactly what we’re doing :)

C14: Seamless Fiat <> Crypto Flow for Users Around the World

The most important takeaway from this post is this:

Easy access to crypto helps everyone.

Crypto natives will benefit from the added volume and on-chain liquidity. New projects will be able to market to a drastically larger pool of potential users around the world and onboard them easily. And everyday users will get access to a significantly larger number of crypto assets.

There are a number of ways to expand easy access to crypto. But the one that we’re focusing on — and the one we think matters most — is building seamless fiat <> crypto ramps that are available to users around the world.

Using C14, anyone in our (growing) list of coverage areas can KYC and trade fiat <> crypto with the ease and speed of a typical e-commerce transaction.

Even more, our partners that integrate with C14 can easily embed the payment flow into any ecosystem dApps. This means that a loyal user of our partner’s blockchain can move around the entire ecosystem and quickly buy/sell a range of crypto assets with their own stored payment methods — and these assets will instantly deliver to their wallet!

This is a world that normal people can understand. And this is the world we’re building — one where people everywhere have easy access to crypto!

If you want to keep up with our journey and see how things change as we build out C14, be sure to follow us on TWITTER

And if you want to partner with us or even just say hi, visit our WEBSITE or email us using the link below.


Until next time frens :)

- Patrick



C14: Crypto Made Easy

We make crypto easy. Seamless fiat <> crypto payment flow for any web3 business.