v.1 C14 Partner Dashboard

Erich Grant
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2023

C14’s Dashboard gives our partners visibility into the flow of transaction their deployment of the C14 widget is generating. This tool provides valuable insights that can help drive user growth, customer retention, and improved customer service and support.

Understanding user-journeys in web3 is a challenge. Our hope is that this tool helps our partners can a greater degree of understanding and control of their business. Point-of-sale is the crucial link the customer onboarding chain.

While we feel that v.1 of the dashboard is quite robust, we are eager to work with our partners to expand the information an analysis presented. Overtime this will grow into a more and more sophisticated tool.

We’re very pleased with what we’ve built and the feedback from our initial partner rollout has been fantastic! What is actually included in the dashboard?

v.1 features —

  • Transaction Status
  • Asset/Token/Chain breakdown
  • Decline and Fail Status
  • Geographical/Presentment Currency
  • User Acquisition Trends
  • more!

Greater understanding of the transactions that are occurring gives C14’s partners valuable tools when providing customer support.

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What’s Next?

We are excited to keep building out our dashboard and providing our partners with tools they need to expand their business. Look out for -

  • Real time transaction notification over Slack and Telegram for customer support teams on live transactions.
  • Custom post transaction messaging and call to action.
  • Post Transaction marketing integrations.

If you are interested in testing/giving feedback on what we’ve built so far — please reach out to us on Twitter to arrange!

