C3 Speaker Series: 5 Tips From Community Experts

Barbara Oliveira-Beckham
The C3 at Indiana Tech
4 min readMar 5, 2018

This post was written in collaboration with Matthew Robinson, Storytelling Intern at the Center for Creative Collaboration at Indiana Tech.

It’s official! We wrapped up part one of our C3 Speaker Series for the Spring of 2018. We hosted five amazing professionals: Derek Pillie, Andie Hines, Reggie Hayes, Megan Butler, and Nick Ladig. To celebrate this milestone, we’ve put together a list of our favorite tips from these talks.

1. Listen

Most of us are not very good listeners. We’re often just waiting until the other person finishes so that we can say what is on our mind. Over time the result of this is that we seal ourselves off from other people, we don’t really know them, or really understand their concerns. Understand what is important to others (specially the ones you work for) and build meaningful relationships around that.

2. Be kind to yourself

Going for what you really want takes considerable courage. Even when you put forth your best effort, things don’t always turn out as you would like. But by taking a risk you open yourself not only to the possibility of failure, but also the possibility of learning, growth, and real attainment. Instead of becoming your worst enemy, learn to treat yourself as you naturally treat others in need — with kindness, warmth, and respect.

3. Love the core of what you do

Your number one passion isn’t always a realistic career. Finding what you love is only half of the equation. You need to be able to love the hustle of what you do. That is the necessary ingredient for lasting career success.

4. Network effectively

Many people think that networking is about collecting business cards and scheduling time to attend events and meet tons of people. Making contact isn’t the same as developing connections and networking isn’t about contact, it’s about relationships. Stop thinking of networking as a business practice and consider what it really is — connecting with people.

5. Find what excites you

… and job shadow or intern for someone that is doing it. It is important to build relationships with the people that are in your field of interest. It allows you to explore specific careers and to get a realistic picture of the tasks performed for that job.

So — what can the Speaker Series do for you?

Well, if you’re a student, this is your chance to connect, ask questions, get advice and engage your brains in conversations about professional or personal goals and interests with entrepreneurs, industry experts, business owners and creative community members around Fort Wayne.

If you’re a community member, business owner, employer, or entrepreneur this is a chance to build relationships with emerging collegiate talent, practice public speak, and have the C3 provide free marketing for your business.

If you’re a staff or faculty member, well, we’ll just let them share their thoughts:

Shantease Powers, Academic Coach:

It is electrifying to listen to an entrepreneurial spirit. When they share their stories of an unorthodox playbook, it opens your mind to possibilities beyond a textbook. They remind us all of the importance of cultivating a relentless mindset in regards to living out our passionate purpose.

Jennifer Mahocker, Administrative Assistant of Academics:

I decided to attend one of the C3’s Speaker Series because I wanted a dose of inspiration. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur or even a student to appreciate that there are highly successful people in our area. Learning some of their skills and secrets is a great opportunity. I am so appreciative that the C3 is providing this sense of connection for us. I highly recommend it to anyone on campus!

If you missed the first five events, don’t sweat it. We’ll be back with five more speakers starting on Tuesday, March 27 at 12:30 p.m. Also, stay tuned for the launching of our YouTube channel and podcast later this month.

