7 things for 2017

The Real SG
C4 Events


We sent this email to our clients, partners and others. Thought we could share this with a larger audience.

Greetings! On behalf of Team C4E, wish you a great 2017. May the year is full of love, luck, prosperity and happiness!

First things first. Thank you for your support in 2016. While Rajesh has been in the communications business for 20+ years now and I have worked for more than 10, as C4E, we are still less than a year old. Without your support, we wouldn’t have got to the flying start we got. The task from here on is going to get tougher and we are geared for it!

We will eventually talk to you about it as we go along; but today, it’s not about us. It’s about you.

As we ring in the new year, we at C4E put together a list of 7 things that you could take up in 2017. Call us pop-philosophers, self-help hacks, well-wishers or anything of that sort, but we sincerely believe that each of these 7 things has the potential to make 2017 the best year of your life!

Here’s the list. In no particular order.

  1. Become more aware of the ever-so-shrinking time that we are left with. Steve Jobs famously said that our time is limited (if you haven’t seen his talk at Stanford, here). And while we are at it, you may want to read Sam Altman’s days are long but decades are short. The point, ladies and gents, is, time is limited. How will you make the most of whatever is left?
  2. Dig deep inside and identify your “escape.” Your muse. Something that you were great while you were a kid. Something that you had to let go as work started piling up. Something that consumed you and you could work on it for hours without getting tired. So, what is your escape? Writing? Photography? Cooking? Reading? Chasing the new? Adrenaline Whatever it is, how about you commit to it and set an audacious goal with it #in2017?
  3. Start saying Thank You. And mean it. A friend taught us the importance of being mindful and it’s great to be able to see things through the lens of equanimity. Oh, and start saying sorry. And mean it. #in2017, let’s be mindful and start saying Thank You and Sorry.
  4. Charlie Munger said, “In my whole life, I have known no wise people who didn’t read all the time — none, zero.” If you like reading, read more. Take up the 50 book challenge. Or 100 books. And if you don’t read, how about taking up reading? To get you started, can send over a few recommend books.
  5. Embrace that less is more. Eat less, chew more. Talk less, do more. Less work, more meaning. Fewer clients, deeper engagement. Think of things that you ought to do less and less of.
  6. Create a #lifeGoal, a target, a milestone for yourself that scares the wit out of you. For some us, it could be becoming the CEO. Some may want to climb onto a stage and deliver a speech to a rousing reception. For someone, it could be asking the man of her dreams out. And for some, it could simply be the idea of travelling the world. What’s your #lifeGoal? Can we at C4E help you get to it?
  7. To be able to reach where you are, I am sure a lot of people would’ve helped you. Think of all those teachers, seniors, mentors, friends, colleagues, family et al that helped you. Most of them would have done it without expecting anything in return. No? #in2017, how about you #payItForward? By enabling others. Look around you to find people that may need support and take proactive actions to help them with their goals. I am sure there is at least one person that could do with your wisdom, your loose change, your time, your pep-talk or your kindness.

That’s it! 7 things for an awesome, happy, healthy, productive and amazing 2017. Once you decide which (or all) of these 7 things you’d pick up in 2017, please do tell us and we would be happy to help!

Thank you for reading. On behalf of Team C4E, I once again wish you a happy new year!

Saurabh Garg
Partner, C4 Events LLP

