Nygard’s campaign ends but the race to flip CA-10 heats up

Alla Efimova
CA-10 2018: Images of Change
2 min readMar 21, 2018

On March 9 Dotty Nygard ended her campaign for Congress in CA-10. Avi Stachenfeld and I will continue documenting one of the hottest congressional races in the country. Find us in the new publication CA-10 2018: Images of Change.

Dotty Nygard (left) at the Women’s March, Modest, CA, January 20, 2018

This is the text of the announcement Nygard issued to her supporters:

My Name is Dotty Nygard. I am a registered nurse, community advocate, proud union member and most importantly a mother and grandmother. Throughout my career, I have seen the struggles our communities face due to the failures in leadership and the influence of corporate money on our representatives.

This campaign has always been about reconnecting people and politics to address the issues facing our community. It’s been about engaging the people through grassroots organizing and empowering our neighbors to stand up for social, economic and environmental justice.

We need Medicare-for-all. We need housing. We need livable wage jobs. We need clean air and water. We need immigration reform. We need to reinvest in education. We need to protect the American worker. We need to protect the vulnerable from corporate greed, xenophobic policy, and discriminatory practices. This is what we all wish for our children and grandchildren. This is the standard we should strive for as a society not just today, but always. These are the progressive ideals and family values that we must continue to fight for, together.
Today, I am ending my campaign for Congress and rejoining the fight as an activist and organizer. I am humbled by the support we have received over the last year, and I’m truly thankful for every volunteer, contributor, supporter and my wonderful team for the selfless commitment to this campaign. Our work is not over! Jeff Denham must go and this is the year we make that happen. I look forward to supporting someone who shares our values and our dedication to this community.
In Solidarity,

Dotty Nygard, RN

