People Are Grateful for Information

A Swing Left Volunteer Finds CA-10 Residents Open and Receptive

Alla Efimova
CA-10 2018: Images of Change
1 min readMay 1, 2018


Don Gates, Oakland, CA. Photo Avi Stachenfeld

“I was surprised by how different CA-10 is from our Bay Area image of it as a rural region. It is largely made up of blue collar neighborhoods and suburban developments,” notes Don Gates of Oakland, California. In January 2018 Don considered a number of resistance groups to join and found Swing Left’s focus on flipping congressional seats the most productive. Since then he has put his energy into recruiting volunteers and driving regularly to the district to talk to voters. He quickly learned that the congressional race is not on most residents’ radar screens and they have very few opportunities to get information about candidates and issues. When Don knocks on doors to talk to potential Democratic voters about the importance of the upcoming primary and midterm elections, he finds people to be open, receptive, and appreciative. Join Don to double the impact he is making on turning CA-10 blue.

