The Faces and Voices of CA-10

A photo chronicle focuses on what’s at stake in the midterm elections in California’s 10th Congressional District.

Alla Efimova
CA-10 2018: Images of Change
2 min readMar 27, 2018


I have been making trips from Berkeley to the Central Valley for over year, getting to know people and places in Tracy, Modesto, and Turlock. Along with local activists in CA-10 and Swing Left volunteers from the Bay Area, I marched, knocked on doors, registered voters, and fundraised to help the district elect a Democrat to Congress in the November 2018 midterm elections. Every vote counts and every congressional seat matters as never before.

San Joaquin County, California, January 2018. Photo Avi Stachenfeld

I have been joined on these trips by Avi Stachenfeld, a Berkeley photographer with a keen eye for the special beauty of the Central Valley and a great rapport with its people. Our first photo essay followed the campaign of an emergency-room nurse from Tracy, Dotty Nygard. Nygard ended her campaign on March 9 but the race to flip the district blue is just gaining momentum.

Dotty Nygard (left) at the Women’s March, Modest, CA, January 20, 2018

For this new project, CA-10 2018: Images of Change, we will highlight the issues at stake in the upcoming election in the words of the people we meet: students and shop owners, farmers and nurses, immigrants and longtime residents. Follow our project on Medium, Twitter, and Instagram.

There are 119 GOP-held districts that can be turned blue in November. We need to win twenty-four of them to take back the House. Find your closest Swing District and get involved:

