There Is Enormous Potential

A Swing Left Volunteer Reflects on Talking to Voters in CA-10

Alla Efimova
CA-10 2018: Images of Change
1 min readMay 1, 2018


Elisa Isaacson, Albany, CA. Photo Avi Stachenfeld

“After the November 2016 election, I was terrified of what was happening to the country,” says Elisa Isaacson of Albany, California. She believes that right now the most effective way to put the breaks on the White House is to flip the Congress. Elisa joined Swing Left early on and over the past year has been going to CA-10 monthly to talk to voters. She is surprised and impressed by the warmth, openness, and hospitality of the strangers whose doors she has knocked on. In Modesto, Riverbank, and Tracy people are grateful for being informed about the congressional race. On many occasions they have expressed dismay that they have not heard from any of the candidates yet. Elisa is concerned about the lack of voter awareness. “There is enormous potential to get the voters out. I feel like what we are doing is just a drop in the bucket.” Elisa leads a Swing Left group to CA-10 once a month. Join her to make a difference.

