Do Not Let Republicans Game the System

A Democratic Candidate Needs to Clear the Primary in CA-10

Alla Efimova
CA-10 2018: Images of Change
2 min readMay 22, 2018


Josh Harder, May 20, 2018. Photo Avi Stachenfeld

On Sunday, May 20, we caught up with Josh Harder, one of the Democratic candidates for the CA-10 congressional seat. With five Democrats and two Republicans in the race, the district is in the national headlines. The GOP is vowing to throw in millions to defend incumbent Representative Jeff Denham, whose seat is considered to be vulnerable. With the primary only two weeks away, Harder is working overtime to produce TV ads, yard signs, and a social media blitz to get out the vote.

Energetic and articulate, Harder has matured on the campaign trail since he announced his candidacy over a year ago. He projects a strong desire to win. His staffers are enthusiastic and responsive. His volunteers are plentiful and efficient. His donors are generous: of the five Democratic candidates, Harder has raised the most money by a significant margin. Most importantly, he has embraced the three issues that are of paramount importance to his constituents (according to polls): universal healthcare; comprehensive immigration reform, including the path to citizenship; and jobs for the Central Valley.

The Democrats and grass-roots activists are in “all hands on deck” mode to ensure that one Democrat clears the primary on June 5. Do your part by knocking on doors and making calls to prevent Republicans from gaming the system and shutting Democrats out of the general election in November.

