How a leader provide an inclusive work environment?

Annie Chien
CA-G5 Journal
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2019

I have the working experience before, and I think that if I am a supervisor one day, I might create an inclusive work environment, it is vital for the work team.
First of all, It must be efficient communication and experience exchange in the same department, and colleagues willing to ask questions and help each other. Secondly, It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day responsibilities of your job and not take the time actually to get to know people in your office. We should know more about colleagues in different departments. Finally, we are willing to make suggestions to the supervisors. I think we have to meet the monthly meeting to communicate with the supervisor that is a good way to make recommendations and maintain relationships with the supervisor. By taking these small yet incremental steps, you can make your workplace a more inclusive environment right now.

