The Time My Perspective Changed

Sara Lin
CA-G5 Journal
Published in
1 min readNov 21, 2019


I strongly believe that people’s perspective will change when they come to a certain point in time or encounter something.

When I was in senior high school, it’s a normal thing that parents give their child a scooter when they get a scooter license so when I got my license, I got the scooter I wanted from my parents.

When I entered college, I often heard my classmates said they had no job, no money and have to pay a loan. Due to curiosity, I asked a classmate what loan she needed to pay, she said scooter. I was scared about that.

My perspective totally changed. One thing that I think is normal and easily, she needed to spend a lot of effort and energy to get it. Since that day, I have always been grateful and enlarge my happiness now. Happiness consists in contentment.

