What do you think sharing a meal with others is something that all cultures do?

Sara Lin
CA-G5 Journal
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2019

Every place has its own culture, but there is a common way of life — eating. When it comes to holidays, most people will eat with family, relatives, and friends. To me, eating is my first priority. I can eat alone, but I like to eat with friends at holidays. I don’t know what other people think, but I think no matter where we come from, all of us like to share meal with others at festivals. Festivals are the best time to let people get together. Regardless of handmade food or eat outside, sharing a meal together keeps us connected, and when we’re down, we share our thoughts with our friends and family. There are so many benefits with sharing a meal with others, don’t forget to eat with your family and friends when the next festival comes. You’ll find out.

