Why Do You Think It’s Important to Learn about Other Cultures?

Emma Wang王新語
CA-G5 Journal
Published in
1 min readOct 17, 2019

With new technological and transporting advances, meeting other people from different cultures has become easier, so how to communicate and make friends with them has become important. I think there are three benefits to learn about other cultures. First, it can improve your speaking skills. We all know a language is a tool in communication, and culture is just like a lubricant, which can let the tool work more efficient. Second, after you learn about other cultures, you can understand the differences and similarities between others and our own cultures, so then we can value and respect them. Finally, you will find out different viewpoints to see the world, and you may experience something that not only new but also interesting. These are only three I listed, and more advantages are waiting for you to explore. Learning about other cultures is important and advantageous, so why don’t we kill a bird with one stone?

