Why Do You Think Sharing a Meal with Others Is Something That All Cultures Do?

Emma Wang王新語
CA-G5 Journal
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2019

Eating is what all the people do no matter which culture are they from, but eating cultures in each country are quite different. The only thing that all cultures do is sharing a meal with others. I think there are three reasons for this coincident. Firstly, the human is social animals, so we won’t live alone. In ancient times, the food was not enough. Therefore, eating together and sharing were born because of comparative profit. Everyone just does what they are good at, and share profits together. Second, sharing a meal is a very good way to build a relationship. I think when we are eating, it is the relaxest time for us. In business, if someone wants to have a deal with others, usually they will have a meal first and then make a time to sign contracts. Third, I think I can order different kinds of foods if I share foods with others, but I think that only happen in Chinese culture because people in European and American cultures don’t really share a plate of food with each other. They only eat their own food in a table.

