Why It is Important for Leaders to Provide an Inclusive Work Environment

Jesse Wu
CA-G5 Journal
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2019

We are going to work one day. I believe we all want to be treated the same way no matter what gender you are, what your religions are, what color you are…etc. In my opinion, I think it is important for leaders to provide an inclusive work environment in three reasons. First, your abilities have nothing to do with your gender. If leaders do not treat employees equally, they might lose talented people. Second, an inclusive environment makes people more open minded. I think in this kind of working environment allows people to accept people in different gender, people from different countries…etc more easily. Also, they will not judge easily, too. Third, an inclusive environment makes work more efficient. In this working environment, it allows people to express their opinions, to show their talents and abilities, to work and communicate efficiently to reach their targets. In conclusion, I think providing an inclusive environment is important for leaders because I think it is about equality and acceptance. Leaders can provide this working environment by seeing what employees can do, except on what you think they can do.

