Do you think it is important for leaders to provide an inclusive work environment?

CA-G7 Journal
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2019

Why or why not? If so, how can they do it?

I think it is very important because we stay a long time in the work environment.We can’t choose our colleges, so the environment is really important. Here are two important things that I think leaders should do.

Firstly, each people are equal, but not same. I think everyone has their own quality and personality. When we have a meeting, everyone should have chance to speak. But the most important things are everyone is not the same, don’t force them to do the same things.

Secondly, recognize your unconscious bias. l know that everybody will have some unconscious bias. But if those things won’t bother the work, please try to accept it or ignore it. To understand your college, don’t let unconscious bias lead your decisions.

Hope we will have a better work environment at the future, and let us feel comfortable to work.

