Does your family have any unique traditions?

Juta Lin
CA-G7 Journal
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2019

Once upon a time, there was a little girl born in 1996. She was the first child so her parents have a big expectation on her. But that is a lovely family, she always feels comfortable and love.

There are some family traditions to share with everyone.

First of all, after my mother prepares for our dinner, we have to sit at our own seat and eat together without watching television or using smartphones. Moreover, my father starts the conversation and discusses global news. We are asked for sharing our opinion. Sometimes my little brother and I will talk about something interesting happened at school.

Secondly, we can’t use any terrible words wherever we are. If you break this rule, you have to pay one thousand NT dollars for every family. As a child, it is too expensive to pay it.

And the last tradition is mountain climbing in every Sunday morning. This activity not only improve our health, but also family relationship.

I am really full of gratitude for having this family.

