CA-G7 Journal
Published in
1 min readNov 21, 2019


How online game changed my life.

I played an online game, Ragnarok online, when I was a sixth grade elementary school student. At that time, I spent lots of my pocket money to buy points to play the game. Due to the over spending money, I start to learn how to operate a private server by myself because I can play the game without spending money. In order to do so, I learnt how to do coding to fix the problems I encountered in the program.

During that time, I invited my classmates and friends to join the game and had a great time. At the end, I found that all the database is just a combination of numbers, so I realized that I online games were nothing matters. Since that, I gave up playing online games, but I had learnt different knowledge from doing these affairs. It have changed my life since that. Thanks to these days, I got background knowledge of computer science and use it to expand my life like doing part-time job as a website designer.

